Sports Trio +1 Pack
3 essential remedies for sportsmen, plus a free remedy…

Sprains & Strains Formula
This formula contains a range of remedies known to promote speedy recovery after any injury including sprains, strains, dislocation, and muscular wear and tear. Helps to relieves all symptoms brought on after a strain, over-lifting, tear or twist to any fibrous connective tissue of the body, including joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments, such as in the neck, back, hips, knees and extremities.

Stomach & Duodenal Ulcers Formula
This formula is an electromagnetic solution of remedies known to reduce excess acid production and relieve symptoms associated with stomach ulcers such as heartburn, gnawing, burning pain, an aching, empty feeling, and hunger…

Stress, Exhaustion & Burnout Formula
For symptoms of exhaustion, burnout, mental and physical fatigue and exhaustion after prolonged stress. Assists with feelings of being overwhelmed, low energy levels, exhaustion and burnout. Improves adrenal function and the ability to cope with and respond to everyday stress…

Sunstroke & Sunburn Formula
Helps to relieve symptoms associated with sunstroke, such as sunburn, blistering and dehydration. Promotes healing and speedy recovery. Remember to keep the patient well hydrated.

Sweet Dreams & Calming Formula
Helps to relieve over-excitability, restlessness and agitation. Has a calming effect and alleviates sleeplessness. Recommended for Infants & young children who need to “nap” during the day. Should be given every 15 minutes in the hour before “nap” or bedtime, and again if awake during the night.

Teething Troubles Formula
This bestselling formula helps to relieve throbbing pain in the teeth and gums; extremely painful toothache. Infant or child may be driven to distraction from the pain; displays great irritability, anger and impatience. This formula helps to relieve all symptoms associated with teething such as pain, inflammation of gums, irritability, sleeplessness, constipation or diarrhoea, fever and poor appetite.

Thyroid Regulation Formula
This formula contains an electromagnetic solution of various remedies known to assist with maintaining thyroid regulation. Assists with symptoms relating to an irregular thyroid including fatigue, weight loss or gain, hair loss, digestive disorders, disordered menstruation, fatigue and exhaustion, poor temperature regulation, sleep disorders, anxiety and palpitations.

Tinnitus Formula
An electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies known to relieve symptoms associated with noises in the ears such as buzzing, shrieking, ringing, clicking, humming, whizzing, whirring, roaring, rushing, etc.

Tonsillitis & Sore Throat Formula
Helps to relieve symptoms associated with tonsillitis and sore throat, such as severe pain, inflammation and infection, fever, enlarged tonsils, difficult swallowing, loss of appetite. May be accompanied by swollen glands, runny nose, earache and other cold and flu symptoms.

Toothache & Abscess Formula
For throbbing pain in the teeth and gums; extremely painful toothache. Person may be driven to distraction from the pain; displays great irritability, anger and impatience. Pains may be shooting or neuralgic in nature…

Travellers’ Disorders Formula
This formula is an electromagnetic solution of a combination of remedies known to help with symptoms relating to travel, including mild nausea, dizziness, motion sickness, vertigo, sleep disorders or disturbances and jetlag.

Tremors and Trembling Formula
This formula is an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies known to assist with tremors or trembling and movement disorders of the muscles, the hands, feet, jaw, tongue or head. This disorder may be related to Parkinsonion type symptoms, thyroid dysfunction, liver and /or metal toxicity, nutrient deficiencies, the side effects of suppressive medicines or neurological disturbances, and drug/alcohol dependencies especially during withdrawal. Professional advice is recommended in any of the above cases. This remedy can be taken together with any other well indicated formula in this range.

Varicose & Spider Veins Formula
This formula assists with large, swollen, painful throbbing veins and broken capillary veins. Helps to return elasticity to the cardiovascular system.

Venous Congestion & Ulceration Formula
This formula contains an electromagnetic solution of a combination of remedies known to assist with severe varicose veins accompanied by blotching and discolouration of the skin, bruising and haemorrhaging under the skin, poor circulation, poor blood flow through the veins causing broken skin and ulceration.

Vitality & Enthusiasm Formula
Assists with symptoms associated with low libido and lack of sexual desire in both men and women. Promotes a healthy libido and renewed vigour, vitality and joie de vivre.