


Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.


Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.

See label on bottle for remedy names.


Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.

Best before:
3 months after opening.

not rated R130.00 Add to cart
Allergies & Hayfever Formula

Helps to relieve all symptoms associated with an allergy / allergies and hayfever, such as sneezing; puffy, scratchy or streaming eyes; blocked or runny nose; sore throat, headaches and tiredness, persistent and itchy skin rash. Helps to improve a person’s tolerance to allergens/irritants in the environment, especially during the change of season. By stimulating a person’s vital force and restoring balance, this formula encourages the body’s natural healing mechanisms and restores harmony to the body.

not rated R150.00 Add to cart



Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.


Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.

See label on bottle for remedy names.


Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.

Best before:
3 months after opening.

not rated R130.00 Add to cart
Constipation Formula

Helps to relieve constipation in babies, children and adults. Assists with painful or unsuccessful urging; dry, hard stools; painful stools. Straining during stool; unfinished sensation. For those who may go for days without an urge to move the bowels. Effective after long habit of taking laxatives. Also assists with pain and disorders relating to a prolapsed rectum, and compacted faeces associated with prolapse. Can be used with the Haemorrhoids formula where haemorrhoids and/or rectal fissures occur.

not rated R150.00 Add to cart
Dizziness & Motion Sickness Formula

For symptoms of motion sickness such as dizziness, vertigo and noises in the ears with tinnitus, which may be accompanied by nausea and anxiety.

R150.00 Add to cart
Haemorrhoids Formula

Use this formula to relieve internal and external haemorrhoids/piles, as well as anal fissures and associated bleeding. Symptoms may include severe pain, itching, burning, bleeding and shooting pains, itching and bleeding, and difficulty passing a stool. Take together with Constipation formula and Bleeding disorders formula if bleeding is excessive.

not rated R150.00 Add to cart
Headache & Migraine Formula

This formula is an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies known to assist with and relieve most common types of headache and migraine, including pain in the neck, jaw and eye areas. Assists with severe migraine pain, which may include nausea, vomiting, severe light and sound sensitivity, with visual and sensory disturbances.

R150.00 Add to cart
Hemorrhoids Formula

Use this formula to relieve internal and external haemorrhoids/piles, as well as anal fissures and associated bleeding. Symptoms may include severe pain, itching, burning, bleeding and shooting pains, itching and bleeding, and difficulty passing a stool. Take together with Constipation formula and Bleeding disorders formula if bleeding is excessive.

not rated R150.00 Add to cart
Lower Back Pain, Sciatica & Stiffness Formula

This bestselling formula is an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies known to assist with chronic and acute lower back pain & stiffness and sciatica, which may be accompanied by tearing, shooting pains down the thighs…

not rated R150.00 Add to cart
Mumps Formula

Use this formula to relieve painful or swollen glands on each side of the face and pain or tenderness around the swelling.

not rated R150.00 Add to cart
Nausea & Vomiting Formula

For symptoms of diarrhoea relating to gastric flu, gastroenteritis or food poisoning, fear, anxiety or shock. This formula helps to reduce the severity of symptoms and speeds up healing, restoring digestion to normal.

not rated R150.00 Add to cart
Pregnancy Trio +1 Pack

3 essential remedies to help with emotional and physical wellbeing during pregnancy, plus a free remedy…

not rated R500.00 Add to cart
Scar Tissue, Keloids & Stretch Marks Formula

This formula is an electromagnetic solution of remedies known to promote elasticity throughout the body, reduce the severity of scarring and formation of stretchmarks. Helpful in preventing and reducing keloid scarring. Encourages the reabsorption of scar tissue…

not rated R150.00 Add to cart
Sinusitis, Rhinitis & Postnasal Drip Formula

This highly effective formula helps to relieve symptoms associated with blocked and infected sinuses, rhinitis (runny nose), congestion and postnasal drip, as well as severe pain in the sinus and facial area (brows, around eyes, cheekbones)…

not rated R150.00 Add to cart
Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Postnasal Drip, and Allergies & Hayfever Nasal Spray

This new improved NASAL spray helps to relieve symptoms associated with blocked and infected sinuses, rhinitis, runny nose, congestion and postnasal drip as well as allergies & hayfever. See more in description below.

not rated R150.00 Add to cart
Sleep Easy Formula

Helps to relieve symptoms associated with sleeplessness, insomnia and an overactive mind at bedtime or during the night. This formula is gentle enough for infants, strong enough for hyper-stressed executives and exhausted new moms. This formula contains a combination of remedies known to have a soothing effect on the nervous system and is particularly indicated to assist with restless sleep; anxious dreams and much tossing about; sleeplessness caused by much mental activity and night terrors…

R150.00 Add to cart