Each of these 38 electromagnetic flower remedies is directed at a particular characteristic or emotional state and should be chosen according the way you are feeling. They can be used individually, or in combination to cover a broader range of negative emotions and will assist in restoring balance at an emotional and mental level.

Suffers in silence, hides emotional distress and turmoil behind a brave face. Does not want others to know of their suffering.

Fears of unknown origin which sufferer cannot speak of because it is difficult to explain. Fears that are not clearly understood or recognised.

Intolerant. Critical. Passes judgments. Lacks humility. Nothing is right. Lacks understanding and sees only the worst in others.

Too easily influenced and willing to serve. Submissive. Imprudent in giving to others.

Knows his own mind and can make decisions but there is distrust of self. Doubts own ability. Seeks confirmation, advice or reassurance from others. Foolish. Talkative. Has definite opinions. Persistent questioning.

Cherry Plum
Fear of death. Fear of losing mental control and of doing frightful things. On the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Chestnut Bud
Fails to learn from experience. Lacks observation. Needs repetition. Tends to forget the past. Compulsive repetition of what has already been told.

Possessiveness. Self-love. Self-pity. Tyrants. Always correcting others. Emotional toxicity.

Day-dreamer. Inattentive and indifferent. Pre-occupied with thoughts rather than actions. Reflects constantly on fantasies and finds it hard to come down to earth. Listless. Avoids difficulties by withdrawing. Impractical. Vacant. Absent-minded.

Crab Apple
Over-concentration on trivia/unimportant details. Despondency. Restores a sense of proportion. has a bee in a bonnet. fussy. House proud. Has trivial thoughts. Feels mentally and physically unclean. May have said or done something contrary to true nature. this is the cleansing remedy for mind and body. Will help the person to see things in the correct perspective and be acceptable again to oneself.

Occasional feelings of inadequacy. Exhaustion from over-striving for perfection. Excessive ambition and enthusiasm. Responsibility is proving too weighty and inadequacy is creeping in. Momentary doubt of abilities.

Doubt, despondency, discouragement. Negative outlook. Refuse to believe their own lack of faith. Easily discouraged. First stage of hopelessness. Failure to comprehend one’s own negativity attracts these conditions of despondency and melancholy. Discouraged when things go wrong or there are difficulties. Negative outlook. Despondent setbacks from a known cause. Remedy to help discouraged school children. Refusal to believe that it is one’s understanding that overcomes problems.

Hopeless despair. Lost heart. Good in long illness. Feels incurable and that suffering is inevitable. “I’ll try it, but what’s the use”. Needs sunshine. Intermediate state of hopelessness.

Self-centred. Self concern. Poor listeners. Need to talk about ailments, self, trivia. Has little interest in problems of others. Makes mountains out of molehills. Sometimes weepy. Saps vitality of others.

Hatred, envy, jealousy, suspicion, greed. For all that is not love. Insecurity. Aggression worse from hatred. Anger towards fellow man. Suffers much – often without a cause.

Mind is enslaved by the past whether memories are of happier days or full of regrets and sorrow. Nostalgic. Homesick. Person lives in the past. Has regrets. In looking back, there is fear of what lies ahead. Can lose interest in present. This remedy removes regrets and sorrows.