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Recurring ear infections

Q: Hi, I am totally distraught after tremendous efforts to get my son of nine months better after recurring ear infections. He also suffers from allergies i’m told. And his eczema has also started to flare up. My two elder kids also seem to be allergy sufferers, often runny noses and coughing. Need help, please!


A: I presume your youngest child has had many antibiotics for his recurring ear  infections. This will have weakened his digestion and his absorption of nutrients, thus weakening his whole wellbeing and setting him up for the next illness. I suggest you give him Calc Carb 200c  (4 – 6  times a day) – this is a general remedy which will boost his immune system, improve his digestion, allergies and rhinitis, eczema and help to prevent the next ear infection.  You would do well to buy the book : “There’s a remedy for that!” and start choosing the most suitable remedy for your children, as when a sickness arises – you will be building up their immune systems and they should become healthier and healthier.