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Save a lot of money and your health!

Over the past few months I’ve felt like I have been living in a thick syrup!  Life seems tougher than ever before.  Everything is a major mission and the numbers on the bank statement are getting bigger … and redder!  When the purse can’t stretch any further we need to find clever ways to get through it with our sanity and health intact.  Here’s a little calculation of my own family’s expenses that may encourage you to look differently at how you spend your money…

In October 2003 (104 months ago) we were quoted approx. R7000 per month for our family of two adults and five children for medical insurance cover (Total R728 000).  It wasn’t top of the range but would cover most possibilities.  Fortunately however, we only committed to a basic hospital plan for the family and paid the difference into our bond. 

We used our hospital plan for:


Blaise: broke his arm on trampoline – x-ray and plaster.


Patrick: fingers sewn up after they were run over by some ice skates!


James: several rugby injuries.


Christie: dog bite on foot – dressed several times until healed.

We paid our own dental expenses at approx R42 000 for that period.                                

We used self-help homeopathy for everything else over this period at a cost of approx.  R36 400 (yes… believe it!)  Here are some of the ailments and issues that I’d successfully helped my own family with:

Abdominal cramps & spasms,  Acne, Anti-malaria,  Anxiety,   Asthma / wheezy cough,  Cat allergy,  Colds, flu and viral infections,  Coughs, Dental pain,  Diarrhoea,  Ear infection,  Eye infection,  Exam nerves,  Gall stones / liver support,  Gout,  Grief, shock & trauma,  Hayfever, Headaches,  Hormonal balance,  Injury Support,  Insomnia/sleep disorder,  Irritability,  Joint pain & inflammation,  Memory & concentration,  Menstrual disorders,  Menopause,  Nausea & vomiting,  Plantar wart, Post op / surgery support,  Self-esteem & confidence,  Sinusitis / rhinitis,  Sports injuries,  Sunburn,  Tooth abscess… …and many more that I must have forgotten!

And just look what we saved (at 2003’s rate):

Quoted medical insurance for family of seven

R 7 000 x 104:  R728 000  

Basic hospital plan for family of seven 

R 3 500 x 104:  R364 000

Self-help homeopathy costs   

R350 x 104:  R36 400

Approx dental bills   

R42 000

TOTAL SAVINGS      R285 600

Not even counting the financial benefit of putting the R285 600 into our bond –

That’s a lot of money!

Visit The Remedy Shoppe : www.theremedyshoppe.co.za