
Associated with serenity, beauty and spirituality. It soothes, calms and brings comfort. Violet gives a person a spiritual or higher outlook in life…

not rated R130.00 Add to cart
Vitality & Enthusiasm Formula

Assists with symptoms associated with low libido and lack of sexual desire in both men and women. Promotes a healthy libido and renewed vigour, vitality and joie de vivre.

not rated R150.00 Add to cart
Voice Loss Formula

Helps to ease symptoms associated with laryngitis such as hoarseness, gruffness, loss of voice, pain and dryness in the larynx (voice box). Voice may be deep and croaky, sometimes accompanied by a tickling, irritating cough…

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Need to break free from past influences but unable to adjust to new surroundings or conditions of life. Helps with change and to move on. Oversensitive to ideas and influences. Definite ideals and ambitions, yet can be swayed by stronger personality.

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Warts, Moles & Molluscums Formula

For all types of warts, molluscums (small, round, firm bumps on the skin), moles, skin tags and brown spots on the skin, found anywhere on the body.

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Water Retention/ Oedema Formula

This formula helps to relieve symptoms associated with water or fluid retention and swelling such as puffiness, swollen feet, legs and fingers, etc. This formula contains an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies known to promote water balance within the body.

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Water Violet

Proud, quiet, gentle. Great inner peace and serenity. Shows little emotion and prefers not to become involved in the affairs of others. Goes their own way. Aloof. Bears grief and sorrows in silence. Condescending. Independent, self-reliant. Willing to offer advice without becoming personally involved in the affairs of others.

not rated R130.00 Add to cart
Weeping Wounds & Sores Formula

This formula promotes healing of all types of wounds and sores including bed sores, and wounds and sores that ooze liquid and pus and take a long time to heal.

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Weight Loss Trio +1 Pack

3 essential remedies to support healthy and effective weight loss plus a plus a free DETOX FORMULA…

not rated R500.00 Add to cart
Wheat Intolerance Formula

For wheat intolerance. This formula contains an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies known to improve tolerance and reduce hypersensitivity to wheat, and to relieve the associated symptoms. Highly effective for both children and adults…

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White Chestnut

Persistent unwanted thoughts; mental arguments and internal conversation. Insomnia from thoughts. Obsession. Distressing occurrence preys on the mind. Thoughts go round and round causing a troubled mind and sleeplessness. Sufferer is pre-occupied, lacks concentration. This remedy promotes a quiet, calm mind.

not rated R130.00 Add to cart
Whole Egg Intolerance Formula

For egg intolerance. This formula contains an electromagnetic solution of selected vibrational remedies known to improve tolerance and reduce hypersensitivity to egg, and to assist with relieving the associated symptoms. Highly effective for both children and adults…

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Wild Oat

Uncertainty, despondency, dissatisfaction. Talented. Definite characters. Uncertain of how to proceed. Never knows what he wants.  This remedy helps to promote clear thinking, certitude and self-confidence.

not rated R130.00 Add to cart
Wild Rose

Resignation. Apathetic with no set ambition. Does not complain. Believes in fate and accepts his lot in life. No joy or pleasures. Surrenders to ‘life as a struggle’. Makes little effort. Believes if it’s going to happen, it will happen. This remedy promotes optimism, passion for life, eagerness, animation and determination. Enhances one’s awareness and acknowledgment of one’s life purpose.

not rated R130.00 Add to cart

Resentment, bitterness. Blames everyone but himself for everything. Feels life has been very unfair. Feels unjustly singled out. Has a chip on his shoulder because life has treated him badly. Takes without giving. Self pity.

not rated R130.00 Add to cart
Winter Trio +1 Pack

Three essential remedies to protect your family against colds and flu this winter, plus a free remedy… 

not rated R500.00 Add to cart