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Snoring/allergies in children


I have a two-and-a-half-year old little boy. He snores a lot when he sleeps at night.  His nose seems congested.  It is slightly runny.  I went to an ENT Specialist a few weeks ago – and he suggested it might be his adenoids. He also said that we were in the middle of allergy season, the air is dry, no rain etc. could be allergies. He gave me some medicine called Deselex to allow us to try treat it medically first before doing anything drastic…I also did say my little boy has big tonsils (whatever that may mean) … 

I have now decided to go the homeopathic route with my family’s health and life.  I took him to a homeopath about 9 days ago.  She is wonderful.  I stopped with the Deselex.  She has put him onto a few things – some drops and two sweet tasting medicines.  Two days later I took him back to her because he developed a cough – a dry, irritation cough.  She gave him something else for that.  Cough was gone a day later.  I see a slight improvement. 

All that’s left now is still the blocked nose and snoring…Do you think it is allergies…I have put him onto two tissue salts as recommended in your “There a Remedy for That” book: Kali Sulph and Kali Mur (both Natura)…Is that alright?  Must I carry on with it?  Do these things take time? Thanks so much. P. S.  Love the book – it is becoming my little “bible”.


Yes – it sounds like your son may be sensitive to something, and the reason why he is over-reacting to something either in his environment or possibly to a particular food, should be investigated and resolved. Deselex is a suppressant and works against the body’s natural healing mechanisms – it will help to hide or mask  the symptoms, but the minute you stop Deselex the problems will pop up again because it does not cure the underlying weakness or disorder in the body.  In my experience it is most beneficial to address any possible underlying hereditary weakness and possibly any digestion weakness which may have lead to a food intolerance.  Both of these issues can be corrected with the best indicated homeopathic remedies.

Any anti-biotics he may have had in the past, will have weakened his digestion and this can lead to an intolerance of the most aggravating foods such as gluten, wheat, dairy, lactose or even sugar.  I use a biofeedback system which runs thousands of tests (including food intolerances) in only a few minutes, in order to determine the real underlying weakness in the body.  

The benefits of identifying which environmental substances your son may be reacting to is minimal, because similar to an over reaction to any food substances, it is this very over-reaction which must be corrected and not the environmental substances.  Of course it does help to avoid a food that he is sensitive to in order to allow his digestive system to repair.

You could take your son to see a good homeopath who will take a full history and identify his underlying weaknesses and correct these with the best indicated remedies and I know he will go from strength to strength!Otherwise, if you are prepared to put some effort into solving the problem yourself, I would say that the remedies you are taking are probably not a strong enough potency to bring about a cure for this case. Tissue salts are only a 6D potency.

May I suggest that you try a 200c potency in the following remedies:

Psorinum  – for inherited predisposition to allergies (food & environment)

Calc Carb – to repair his digestion; correct excessive mucus production; glandular enlargement (tonsils)

Kali Sulph – blocked nose; snoring

These can all be taken concurrently (at the same time) and you could follow the dosage suggestions in my book.Be observant, patient and persevere – the rewards for nurturing your own little one back to health are immeasurable!