When I asked my youngest son of nine what he feels before a school cycle test, he moved his hand in a circular motion over his tummy and he said that “it feels like things are flying around”! I thought this description was perfect for what we used to call “the butterflies”, which is a nice name for something quite nasty!
The physical symptoms of stress are caused by the hormone adrenaline which prepares the body for the flight and fight reaction, a certain amount of which is beneficial and assists us in “winning the race”. However, it may also bring on negative feelings, emotions and even physical symptoms which may include anxiety, apprehension or nervous dread, brain fog, weak memory, fear, anger or irritability, over-active mind, sweating, the urgent need to urinate, sleeplessness and even exhaustion.
The digestive system is the seat of emotions synonymous with exam nerves such as issues relating to fear, anxiety, self-esteem, decision-making, personal power, fear of failure, confidence and self-respect, and this may be apparent before any test of one’s ability, causing excess or loss of appetite, abdominal pain with cramps and spasms; even diarrhoea.
Emotions may even reach the level of panic where there may be a racing heart rate, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness or feeling faint. This all sounds a little overwhelming, but there is much we can do to overcome and even prevent these symptoms during times of stress. All my children enjoy the benefits of numerous different homeopathic remedies before and during tests and examinations, which help them to feel relaxed, capable, confident and clear thinking.
Unfortunately there is no homeopathic remedy that can “pour the information into the mind” – this requires good old-fashioned study and revision! Thereafter, let the following homeopathic remedies do the work for you:
Argentum Nitricum 200c – (headless chicken type of behaviour) for a highly emotional state where fears are running high; anticipatory fears or apprehension; fear of forgetting your pens or calculator; fear of forgetting everything you have learnt; fear that you will not get to the examination location on time and feel overwhelmed with panic. You feel that time is running out and you must do everything in a great hurry.
Gelsemium 200c – (ostrich type of behaviour) especially helpful for a anticipatory fears before exams or interviews when you feel emotionally numb, can’t get yourself motivated to study or you feel inappropriately unconcerned about studying or the exams coming up and respond by burying your head in the sand like and ostrich! Perhaps if you ignore it, it will all go away?! Useful where fear is accompanied by trembling, muscular weakness, diarrhoea and the urgent need to urinate from emotional excitement or nervousness.
Kali Phos 200c – an essential brain, nerve, heart and lung nutrient and one of the greatest nerve remedies. For mental and/or physical exhaustion with anxiety brought on by excitement, overwork or worry. Improves symptoms such as anxiety, melancholy, panic, nervous tension, heart palpitations; shortness of breath, anxiety, insomnia, brain fog, mental & physical exhaustion, possibly accompanied by poor memory, irritability and dizziness. A great remedy for students.
Lycopodium 200c – Improves self-confidence and courage. Helps with apprehension about forthcoming events. Constant fear of breaking down under stress. Little things annoy; extremely sensitive. Melancholic. Poor memory and failing brain power. Also helpful in cases of confused thoughts, forgetfulness, getting words muddled up and mistakes in writing. Improves self-confidence and reduces the fear of breaking down under stress. I like to alternate this remedy with Silica.
Silica 200c – suits the nervous and excitable type who is sensitive to all influences; is faint-hearted, anxious and full of apprehension – too timid to undertake things. The person is lethargic and wants to sit or lie down all the time. Gives a sense of courage; improves confidence and mental clarity. Helpful where there is a lack of oomph or grit!
Mag Phos 200c – helpful if you feel tired, lethargic and can’t think clearly. Also great for a tummy ache.
Every home should have a good selection of remedies on hand for use during these stressful times. I remember one morning when one of our children was in “headless chicken” mode (with high-speed panic, get out of my way, there’s too-little-time!) Three of my other children and I were already in the car ready to leave for school, waiting for my daughter who was due to sit the first of her year-end exams. She suddenly burst out of the back door, flew into the car and slammed the door on her youngest brother’s finger! The scream was bone chilling and we all tumbled out of the car in instant panic!
So now we needed Aconitum (Homeopathy’s Rescue Remedy) for the victim (plus Arnica and Hypericum for injury and crushed nerves of his finger, together with a bandage and lots of sympathy), and more Aconitum for the emotionally disturbed witnesses! And before we finally got the show on the road, there was a scolding plus one more dose of Argentum Nitricum for the headless chicken!
For these and more remedies shop online at www.theremedyshoppe.co.uk for world wide delivery, or visit The Remedy Shoppe retail outlet at 24 Pipers Road, Douglasdale, Johannesburg.