The remedy Chamomilla is one of the most important in treating symptoms of irritability, impatience, anger and violent rage. It is also a long-trusted remedy for teething babies, and stood me in very good stead as a young mother with five bright little buttons in our very busy home!
Chamomilla is a polychrest remedy which means it has many different uses, and it is particularly effective in the treatment of emotional states and behaviour problems in children. Sometimes known as the “temper tantrum” remedy, Chamomilla is one of the first remedies for the angry child or adult, characterised by any of the following behaviours: disobedience, defiance, insolence, rudeness, snappiness, kicking, screaming, hitting or striking, road rage and temper tantrums.
Chamomilla is also a wonderful remedy for the treatment of discontent, when nothing can satisfy and the person is impossible to please. It is highly effective in treating the following symptoms: irritability, capriciousness (asking for something and then refusing it), complaining, a gloomy or negative disposition, anguish in infants, moaning when the person can’t have what he or she wants, peevishness (fretful, quarrelsome) and restlessness.
The desire to be carried and clinginess in younger children and infants is a keynote symptom for Chamomilla. The Chamomilla child is also very sensitive and cries easily. The baby who wants to be held or rocked vigorously, and stops crying only when carried would benefit from this remedy. Chamomilla is also an important remedy for the treatment of colic in infants (when the legs are pulled up) and a long-trusted teething remedy, helping with all symptoms relating to difficult teething, such as a constant desire to chew on something, intolerable pain, earache, infammation of the gums, diarrhoea, fever, runny nose, tearfulness, constant whining and whinging, redness in one cheek while the other is pale, a clammy, sweaty head, dribbling, waking up through the night, and clinginess.
Chamomilla is one of homeopathy’s many wonderful remedies that can help make raising children an easier experience, and help to treat symptoms of anger, irritability and violent rage in older children, teenagers and adults.
All remedies are available from The Remedy Shoppe at (or .za) – delivery world wide! OR visit The Remedy Shoppe’s retail outlet at 24 Pipers Road, Douglasdale, Johannesburg.