Q: Dear Genie. Are there any remedies in the Symphony range that should NOT be used together, as per your book’s remedies that disagree? Also, how many remedies can one use at the same time?
A: The remedies that disagree actually antidote (neutralise) each other, but there are several remedies in each Symphony formula to allow for this phenomenon. i.e. if one remedy in a formula antidotes a remedy from another formula, there will still be several remedies available in each mix to act and encourage those specific healing mechanisms. There is no limit as to how many remedies one can take together – in my book I do suggest that if a person finds it difficult to choose one, then choose up to 3 remedies for one specific ailment. This also allows the person to learn which remedy suits them. If a person is in any doubt or difficulty as to which remedy to choose, then they should opt for a Symphony remedy.