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The Evolution of Homeopathy to Vibrational Medicine

Of the many types of medicine or treatments that are available today – from home remedies, herbal remedies/medicine, natural remedies and more, Homeopathy is one of the world’s most popular forms of alternative medicine. It was founded by a brilliant and extremely compassionate German physician, Samuel Hannemann (10 April 1755 – 2 July 1843), who observed that patients taking the toxic, powerful and “unknown medicines” at that time, seemed to survive in spite of this medicine – not because of it!  To cut a long story short, he developed an entirely new system of medicine that is used today by millions of people worldwide, including the Swiss nation who, after three years of investigation into its efficacy, voted and accepted homeopathy as a safe and effective healing discipline of natural medicine which is now available to the entire Swiss nation through the country’s own national health system. This vote of approval was no small achievement – especially from a country which is home to many of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies!

Homeopathy to Vibrational Medicine

Homeopathic medicine clearly explained – Eugenie Rowson, British qualified homeopath, mother of five and author of the popular self-help guide to the use of homeopathic medicine titled There’s a remedy for that! – explains:

“Homeopathic medicine is made using physical substances from nature such as plants, metals, minerals, biological substances, flower essences and more, which are then highly diluted. Homeopathic medicine has for so long been poorly explained and therefore grossly misunderstood because for too long, it has been believed that the efficacy of homeopathic medicine rests with the minute physical substance that remains in the medicine. This is wrong. We know that everything in existence pulsates or vibrates at its own frequency and science has confirmed that a highly diluted homeopathic remedy actually holds the frequency of the original substance – the value of homeopathic medicine is therefore NOT physiological, but electromagnetic! Homeopathic medicine is a powerful electromagnetic medicine, NOT a weak physiological, chemical, molecular or placebo medicine.

From candles to electricity & light bulbs! –  The evolution of homeopathic medicine to Vibrational Medicine is a bit like progressing from candles to electricity and light bulbs! Candles were made from original substances, but once we had learnt more about producing light, a very different and more efficient method was developed – electricity and light bulbs! Similarly, an entirely new method of creating an electromagnetic solution using the vibration of natural elements has been developed and has proved to be an extremely efficient means of stimulating specific and known healing mechanisms of the body.

What is Vibrational Medicine? – Some very clever people have measured the vibration of thousands of physical substances/elements including plants, metals, minerals, biological substances, herbs, flowers, biochemic tissue salts, gases, etc. as well as the frequency of colours, light, sound and gem stones, etc. and developed highly sophisticated technology which I use to create my electromagnetic remedies – I have branded these remedies Vibrational Medicine.

Read more: Overview of vibrational medicine

It’s not so strange! – Conventional medicine can take us from death to life using a jolt of electricity, and now with our third millennium technology and understanding of energy and electromagnetic frequency, we can go from sickness to health using Vibrational Medicine. Our remedies stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms to bring about a change from sickness to health. Our products are NOT made from original substances (as with homeopathic medicines). Vibrational Medicine recognises that symptoms of illness are NOT the body’s errors; on the contrary, they are the body’s deliberate and intended efforts to heal! Symptoms are exactly what the genius self-correcting body must do to restore order and balance and should therefore be encouraged towards completion.

Sickness is a loss of health – Health is perfect order and balance within the whole person – Sickness is a loss of health! Sickness is not something in itself, but rather, it is a measure of the loss of health ie the loss of balance or order at a physical, mental and emotional level. Therefore, one cannot remove an illness or dis-ease! (That would be like trying to remove the holes from your cheese!) We can only stimulate the body back to order – and put some health back!

Advance to Vibrational Medicine – In this age of greater life expectancy and yet increasing poor health and disillusionment with modern wonder drugs, people everywhere are desperately looking for safe and effective ways to improve their health and overcome their dis-eases. The science of Vibrational Medicine offers this solution. Vibrational Medicine stimulates the body, mind and emotion back to order – it cannot ‘treat’ illnesses or disease names – instead, it encourages healing of the whole person so that their system brings itself back to order, thereby correcting any dis-ease. The use of our products for healing offers an affordable, gentle yet powerful, non-toxic, greener, safer and highly effective way to improve your healthcare practice or family’s health.”

About Eugenie Rowson – Founder of The Remedy Shoppe – “My passion for healing and homeopathy has grown organically out of the rich rewards of self-homeopathy which I have used for our family’s every imaginable ailment over the past twenty years!  During this time, I studied and qualified as a Homoeopath in the UK with the British Institute of Homoeopathy under some of the world’s finest doctors and tutors of homeopathy.

I published a self-help guide to the use of homeopathic medicine in 2008 entitled: There’s a remedy for that! and over time, advanced to the full spectrum, of Vibrational Medicine.  My unquenchable fascination for this natural healing discipline has lead me to further study and explore other related healing modalities including biofeedback, radionics, electro-homeopathy, ethnomedicine, ethnobotany, hypnotherapy, iridology, sclerology, live blood analysis, colour therapy … and I’m still learning! Over the many years that I have been involved in Vibrational Medicine, I have never ceased to marvel at the endless number of disorders and dis-eases, both chronic and acute, that this incredible system of medicine is able to heal – rapidly, gently, effectively and permanently – without harm and without side effects!”

Eugenie Rowson’s highly regarded Vibrational Medicine offers an extensive range of unique mouth spray remedies which is available online at The Remedy Shoppe or through their adjoined private practice and retail outlet in Douglasdale, Johannesburg, and provides the world with a desperately needed, comprehensive and innovative self-help system of healing medicine that is a simple, affordable, powerful, non-toxic, safe and highly effective way to overcome hundreds of ailments.  You can also shop online at www.theremedyshoppe.co.za from wherever you are, for world-wide delivery.

For more information on homeopathy to Vibrational Medicine, including testimonials, articles, radio talks, press, products & consultations contact +2776 410 8262 or visit www.eugenierowson.com.