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The Remedy Shoppe helps abandoned babies

Opening up a Door of Hope – By Gina Hurley

A safe-haven for abandoned babies Door of Hope was started in 1999 by Pastor Cheryl Allen, when it was found that 40 to 50 babies were being abandoned every month and left to die of exposure or starvation. There are three houses, two baby houses in Berea and Glenvista, and a toddler house in Glenvista.

These houses provide a safe and loving environment to these little ones who are cared for by caregivers as well as volunteers. In 2009 over 100 babies were received and cared for. Babies are either brought to the home straight after birth by the mother or come to the home from the police or hospitals where they have been abandoned. The aim is to look after and nurture these children until a suitable and loving home can be found and the child can be adopted. Around 60% of the babies have been adopted so far. This process can take between six and nine months depending on whether the mother has signed consent for her baby to be adopted or if she needs to be located before the process can begin.

Relying on donations

Door of Hope is a non-profit organization that relies solely on donations and the kindness of others. Local and international volunteers help out at the houses, giving whatever time they can to play with the babies, hold them and love them. You cannot give a baby too much love and attention. We can each make a difference I came across Door of Hope in an article in Living and Loving in January this year. I have always wanted to work with children, giving something back and making a difference. I am a Therapeutic Reflexologist and I decided to go through once a month to give the babies at the Berea house reflexology. After my first visit, they captured my heart and there was no way I could wait a whole month before going again so I have been going through once a week since mid February. I have noticed an incredible difference from when I first started, their little faces light up when I start massaging their tiny feet and I always get smiles even from babies who seemed quite serious when I first started. They all have their own special characters.

The Remedy Shoppe to the rescue

One morning when I went through there were two 8 month old babies who had arrived the night before who had been abandoned. One of them had diarrhoea, was dehydrated and very listless. I knew that a Vibrationa Medicine would help this baby feel better quickly and without any side effects. I use There’ a remedy for that’s potentised remedies on my whole family especially on my kids who are 1 and 3 and a half, and they work brilliantly. I approached The Remedy Shoppe and asked if they could donate some remedies for common children’s ailments such as sinus, diarrhea, colds & flu, teething, boosting immunity, restless sleeping, colic and coughs.

They kindly donated remedies to all three houses, who have been using the remedies for about two months now with fantastic results. Where they would have had to use antibiotics before, they have been able to avoid it by using the remedies. A baby at the Berea house had chronic diarrhoea on and off every few days and since using the Diarrhoea formula, it has stopped and hasn’t returned. The Sinusitis, rhinitis and post-nasal drip formula is a very popular remedy especially at the Toddler house, and is working really well. The Grief, shock and trauma formula is being given to the new babies as they arrive at the homes to help them cope with the rough start that they have had in life. The Cold, flu and viral infection formula is also having great results and is used frequently.

I would like to say a very big thank you to The Remedy Shoppe for opening up your hearts to these children; you have made a wonderful difference to their lives.

Vibrational Medicine is completely safe and have no unwanted side effects and the remedies are easy to administer, affordable and help with physical, mental and emotional conditions.