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Top 10 remedies for every home

Arnica: The first remedy for injury; Promotes healing; Muscle-ache, stiffness; Sprains, strains; Toothache 

Belladonna: Earache; Fever; Headache, migraine; gout, arthritis; Skin disorders; Sore throat; Stomach-ache, colic; Sunburn, sunstroke; Toothache 

Mag Phos: Stress; Exhaustion; Mental/physical fatigue; Lower back pain; Period pain & PMT; stomach-ache, abdominal cramps, colic; toothache 

Ferrum Phos: Promotes healing of any infection, inflammation; Cold, runny nose & hayfever; Eye inflammation/ strain; Hot flushes, Sore throat 

Gelsemium: Flu; Hayfever; Headache, migraine

Bryonia: Constipation; Cough; Nausea; Flu; Hangover; Headache & migraine; Nosebleeds 

Nux Vom: Hangover; Stress; Bloatedness; Constipation; Haemorrhoids (piles); Low libido, snoring

Aconitum: The first remedy for colds and flu; Stress and anxiety; Backache; Cold, runny nose & hayfever; Cough; Croup; Sore throat 

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