1. Lycopodium
For lack of self-confidence and courage. Apprehensive about forthcoming events. Weak memory. Constant fear of breaking down under stress. Little things annoy; extremely sensitive. Melancholic. You may feel that your brain power is fading. Good for calming exam nerves or fear of public speaking. Try this remedy for hair loss; premature balding or greying. Also boosts virility and vitality.
2. Nux Vom
Fussy about order and accuracy; highly impatient and irritable. Talks, eats, walks quickly. Liable to sudden outbursts of rage during extreme stress and is unduly exasperated over contradiction and trifles – feels better after a good blow-up. Known as the workaholic’s remedy. Good for those who are over-sensitive to and irritated by strong odours, noise, cold and draughts.
3. Acidity formula
Helps to reduce excess acidity and acidic conditions within the body. Promotes pH balance within the body and assists with conditions such as joint pain, stiffness, rheumatism, fatigue, heartburn and reflux, food cravings and digestion disorders.
4. Anger, rage & irritability formula
Use this formula to relieve feelings associated with anger such as rage, road rage, frustration, irritability, being on edge and feeling harassed. Promotes a sense of peace, serenity and calm.
5. Bone pain, fracture & injury formula
Helps to reduce any type of bone pain, including old injuries. Encourages the rapid, complete healing of fractures, and relieves aches and pains felt deep in the bones which may accompany other ailments, and after an old injury. Helps to promote healing and bone strength.
6. Depression formula
Assists where there are feelings of melancholy, gloom, despondency and
hopeless despair – for those who feel as though there is a cloud across their sun. Promotes a sense of emotional calm, enthusiasm and general emotional
wellbeing. Heightens the sense of joy and interest in life.
7. Gout formula
Helps to ease all symptoms of gout including severe swelling and/or pain, most
commonly found in the big toe and other joints such as the knee, ankle, wrist, foot. Joints may be red, swollen and extremely tender. Pain can be excruciating, always worse for touch. This formula also helps to reduce high levels of uric acid which contribute to gout.
8. Prostate & urinary disorders formula
This formula helps to relieve symptoms associated with prostate and urinary disorders, such as frequent or difficult urination, scanty, intermittent or insufficient flow, a never-done feeling, constant desire to urinate, especially at night. Addresses symptoms associated with prostate enlargement such as impotence or loss of sexual power.
9. Reflux, heartburn & indigestion formula
Helps to relieve symptoms associated with acid reflux, heartburn and indigestion, such as burning acidity, acidity rising in the oesophagus causing a tickling cough, as well as discomfort and pain in the stomach and digestive tract. May be accompanied by the painful rising of acid fluid from the stomach into the oesophagus. This formula helps to restore calm and balance to the digestive system.
10. Stress, exhaustion & burnout formula
For symptoms of exhaustion, burnout, mental and physical fatigue and exhaustion after prolonged stress. Assists with feelings of being overwhelmed, low energy levels, exhaustion and burnout. Improves adrenal function and the ability to cope with and respond to everyday stress. Promotes a sense of enthusiasm, renews enthusiasm and interest in life, and helps to restore emotional stability.