By Genie Rowson
Jenna brought her eight-year-old daughter Annie (fictitious names) for a consultation. According to Annie’s teacher, she wasn’t focusing in class, was extremely dreamy, easily distracted and not completing her tasks in time. She needed constant attention and reminding, and the teacher was pushing the mother to put her child onto Ritalin because her grades were dropping, her confidence was taking a knock, and she was becoming noticeably withdrawn. On top of this, she was not fitting in socially with her peers.
Before they came to see me, Jenna already taken Annie to see a neurologist who ran some tests on her daughter and found that she had some anomalies in her brain waves. For this he prescribed the epileptic drug Epilim. A few months later Jenna noticed that Annie was putting on weight, was extremely irritable and wasn’t sleeping well. She also noticed that her daughter wasn’t coping emotionally, so she took her to see a Clinical Psychiatrist who diagnosed Annie with depression and prescribed Cipralex, which she had been taking for about six months. Over this time things had not improved for Annie. In fact the situation had deteriorated so much that her mother was considering moving her to a special needs school.
After taking a full history, I learnt that Annie’s father had died tragically in a car accident when she was five years old. Her parents were already divorced at the time so the loss of her father impacted far more on the little girl, who had spent the weekends with her father, than on her mother. Annie’s picture slowly began to fall into place …
Clinical medicine views mental-emotional diseases as more baffling, frightening and expensive to treat than almost any other type of disease – and the most feared and most common among them is that of depression. Half the American population has tried a powerful psychotropic medication like Prozac or Zoloft for depression, and Prozac is even being prescribed for premenstrual tension.
According to the World Health Organisation, “depression is a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. These problems can become chronic or recurrent and lead to substantial impairments in an individual’s ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide, a tragic fatality associated with the loss of about 850 000 lives every year”.
The WHO goes on to report that depression is among the leading causes of disability worldwide, affecting more than 121 million people across the globe.
Clinical medicine sees anxiety and depression as a combination of symptoms or complaints that are apparent at an emotional and physical level, for which numerous “anti” drugs can be prescribed, such as anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medication or psychotic drugs. All of these aim to suppress or hide the symptoms in the patient for as long as he or she is taking the medication. Most conventional or clinical medicines work by encouraging suppression, and if the medicine is suddenly stopped, the original symptoms often return. Moreover, because these medicines work against the body’s natural efforts to heal, they often have side effects and build up as toxins in the body.
Vibrational medicine, on the other hand, is a complete system of natural medicine we are only now beginning to be able to measure and understand scientifically. Vibrational Medicine can be used to treat absolutely any ailment, even problems that may have no clear diagnosis, such as anxiety or depression, because Vibrational Medicine treats the individual, not the dis-ease. Its objective is true healing at all levels – mental, physical and emotional.
Vibrational Medicine holds that if we keep suppressing our symptoms, our body will never get the chance to heal and restore true balance. A chronic illness is simply one that your body has never had the chance to overcome. By stimulating a person’s vital force and restoring balance on an emotional and a physical level, homeopathic medicine encourages the body’s natural healing mechanisms and restores harmony.
Clinical or allopathic medicine is undoubtedly tops for crisis intervention and injury repair. However, for true healing on a mental, physical and emotional level, homeopathy is the natural choice worldwide.
Back to eight-year-old Annie who was diagnosed with depression.
After an in-depth consultation with Annie and her mother, it was obvious to me that her problems had started when her father died. The child was clearly suffering from grief (no complicated clinical name necessary) and she needed Ignatia, homeopathy’s first remedy for shock, grief or loss. After a couple of weeks of taking the remedy, Annie’s mother reported that Annie “had come alive – I have my little girl back!”
At her mother’s request, the specialists weaned Annie off her prescribed meds and subsequently her sleep patterns and general emotional state improved, and she slimmed down to her normal weight (the Epilim had caused weight gain). Her teacher reported that she was coping much better in class and on the playground.
Vibrational Medicine has one main principle: it promotes the healing of the whole person. Homeopathic medicine is so effective because it gives priority to the ‘mind’ symptoms that accompany physical ailments. Vibrationak Medicine has many remedies that will ease the emotional and physical symptoms of anxiety, depression, panic, stress and exhaustion, gently and without side effects. Here are the first remedies to consider for anxiety, worry, fears, depression and grief:
Aconitum or Rescue Remedy – for intense fear, shock or panic (after an injury or accident and even if you have witnessed an accident), anxiety or emotional turmoil.
Arsenicum Alb (anal-type behaviour) – for a feeling of great fear, anxiety or panic accompanied by restlessness and exhaustion. Disturbed by untidiness, disorder or confusion. This remedy is for the perfectionist type who nit-picks, analyses, worries and panics about the minutest detail – making lists for lists, is fastidious, fussy, tiresome and infuriates and nauseates everyone around them! Oversensitive to pain, noise and odours. Often accompanied by feeling overly anxious about their health during times of stress. Fear of having some dreaded dis-ease. Worries to excess about germs and hygiene. First remedy for the hypochondriac.
Aurum – this remedy is made from gold and is an important remedy for depression possibly brought on by the loss of love, grief or severe emotional stress where a person becomes despairing, tired of life, discontented and has a profound sense of worthlessness; the person may be full of self-condemnation – always blaming him or herself, and is the epitome of gloom and doom. Symptoms may be accompanied by alternate laughing and crying, or alternate anger and sadness (such as those present in bipolar disorder).
Ignatia – Ignatia is the first remedy for severe grief, disppointment or heartbreak, such as after the loss of a loved one. The person is introspective, silently brooding, weepy, melancholic, sad, tearful and non-communicative. This is one of homeopathy’s chief remedies for hysteria and for the effects of grief and worry.
Gelsemium (ostrich type of behaviour) – especially helpful for exam nerves or anticipatory fears, interviews or stage fright where you feel emotionally numb, can’t get yourself motivated and respond by burying your head in the sand like an ostrich. Fear of failure is pronounced.
Kali Phos – an essential brain, nerve, heart and lung nutrient which calms the nervous system and improves symptoms of anxiety, general melancholy, panic, nervous tension, insomnia, depression and hyper-sensitivity.
Lycopodium – for lack of self-confidence and courage. Apprehensive about forthcoming events. Weak memory. Constant fear of breaking down under stress. Little things annoy; extremely sensitive. Melancholic. You may feel that your brain power is fading. Good for calming exam nerves.
Sepia – for moodiness and depression (particularly in women) that includes tearfulness, anger, a desire to run away and escape, feeling over-burdened, desperate, unable to cope or about to lose control; totally exhausted after prolonged stress and strain, argumentative (particularly with loved ones). Fear is also a prominent emotion – the fear of going mad, of having some incurable dis-ease, or of impending doom! This is my favourite women’s remedy, which has saved many a relationship and marriage.
Vibrational Medicine is an affordable, gentle, non-toxic and highly effective system of medicine. Because it is such a gentle system of medicine with no harmful side-effects, it is ideal for self-help when treating common everyday ailments. It can also be used to good effect in conjunction with allopathic medicine. While allopathic medicine generally works by suppressing the symptoms we see, Vibrational Medicine works to boost the body’s innate healing ability and encourage and complete those healing mechanisms, bringing about true healing. Vibrational Medicine offers a greener, safer, more effective way to improve your emotional and physical health.