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Vibrational Medicine heals 6yr disability!

Physician Health Thyself!

After a long and frustrating six years of disability, the near-normal function of my right hand is back!  Here’s what happened…


I am normally right-handed and over many years my handwriting deteriorated. My right hand/wrist started to move in a spasmodic manner; the tendons of my index finger was tightening and the tendons on the underside of my wrist where also tightening and spasming – eventually I couldn’t even do the simplest and most ordinary fine motor actions such as doing up a button, putting an earring into my ear, putting on my make-up, or spreading a slice of bread.  I could no longer type with my right hand and loathed the painstaking effort needed to type up any articles or newsletters.  Fortunately, I had no pain in my hand/wrist whatsoever.  One morning in 2007, when I just couldn’t read what I had scribbled down the previous day during a consultation, I decided to become left-handed.

I figured that the problem was as a result of having a ganglion removed on my right wrist just eight weeks before our wedding day when I was 28 years old.  I should never have had the operation –but a (very silly) friend said it looked ugly and wouldn’t do justice to my beautiful wedding dress!  The surgeon said it would be a minor op with quick recovery…  so you can imagine my horror when I came round after the op to find my whole arm in plaster.  The bad news was that the ganglion was adjoined to the tendons in my wrist and had to be cut away.  I was in such agony that I felt sure that I must have been through a partial crucifixion.  The good news was that the plaster would be off in six weeks – just in time to walk up the aisle.  However, when the plaster was removed I nearly fell unconscious at the sight of a hideous thing that looked somewhat like a dead chicken’s leg in the very place where my normal hand used to be.  Absolutely marvellous; instead of a small ganglion I now had a fabulous claw!  Nevertheless, it all healed well and I had no problems to speak of until the gradual deterioration of my handwriting.

I’m well acquainted with the saying “Physician heal thyself” and so from 2007 until recent months, I have unrelentingly tried many of the best indicated Vibrational Medicine remedies such as Causticum, Acidum Sulphuricum, Zincum, Cuprum, Mag P, and used a number of my own combination formulas for diagnoses such as deep tissue damage, hypertonic muscle spasm, spasms, tendon contracture, tendonitis, writer’s cramp, spasticity, etc.,  all of which helped to  improve the movement in my right hand to a certain degree but they weren’t enough.  I managed the on-going difficulties of my disability through fast adaptation and the great coping skills that I earned through the trials of my childhood, great-distance boarding school and bush!  For example, I developed a clever (but very peculiar) way of typing with only the thumb of my right hand which thousands of my patients have remarked on over the years.  I also found that I could type more easily with two thumbs on my cell phone keyboard and this is where I typed almost everything… including all my newsletters and articles.  I couldn’t even sign my signature and so I improvised by cultivating an exact look-alike, left-handed signature.

Last month, in previous Newsletter May 2013 – “You can expect bigger problems”, I gave you a link to a talk by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride regarding the damaging effects of antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, antihistamines and all anti / suppressive medicines on the gut flora which makes up 80% of our immune system, and consequently impacts on our health at all levels, mental, behavioural, emotional and physical resulting in so many of the illnesses that are all too prevalent today. Although we understand that most bacteria have an important role to play in maintaining our health and wellbeing, provided that the natural balance or ecology of such microorganisms is not disordered.  She explains how a particular strain of the Clostridium bacteria produces harmful neurotoxins that cause spasms, spasticity, and contraction of the muscles, ligaments and tendons.  When I read this the alarm bells started clanging…

It dawned on me that perhaps my hand/wrist problem may not have been due to the ganglion operation at all, but could very well have resulted from the antibiotics that I had taken for an illness seven years before that operation.  When I was a twenty-one year old fitness fanatic, I was swimming 3kms a day through winter to keep fit and became very ill with severe bacterial pneumonia.  I was given 5 x 10 day courses (50 days non-stop) of antibiotics to clear the pneumonia and the doctor told me that I was lucky to survive but was left with a huge scar in my right lung “the size of a cricket ball”.  I also know that the lung and large intestine meridian both pass from the right shoulder, down to the right hand/wrist and that my right iris shows pigmentation points/scarring in at the point of convergence of the right lung, wrist and gall bladder (and I have overcome several excruciating bouts of gallstone colic in the past with my Liver & Gallbladder formula and liver flush).

I realised that I may have had Clostridium bacteria living somewhere in my body, possibly in my large intestine which could be sending neurotoxins along the Large Intestine meridian (see above);  or possibly even living within the scar tissue of my right lung and sending neurotoxins along the Lung meridian (see above) to my right hand/wrist, OR BOTH, resulting in involuntary contraction, tightening or movement disorder of the muscles, tendons and ligaments on my hand / wrist (and possibly even my arm).  Worse still, I was coaxed (in the days before I knew better) into having six (!) anti-tetanus vaccinations whilst pregnant with our third child, and you may not know that the tetanus vaccination which is( a “tetanus roxin inactivated with formaldehyde”: Wikipedia) i.e a dose of Clostridium tetani! The real question is that since the body will still produce antibodies to fight this so called inactivated microorganism – how inactivated is it?

Being totally absorbed in the outstanding science of Vibrational Medicine, I know that particular harmful bacteria can be used to kill a specific bacteria in the body and I was determined to rid my system of any excessive levels of Clostridium by using my Antibacterial formula.  This formula holds a vibration of numerous harmful strains of bacteria, including Clostridium. I also used the Gut flora repair / probiotic formula to improve the ecology within my gut, thus encouraging the good bacteria to flourish whilst also enhancing digestion.  And guess what?… after three weeks of my using these remedies, things started to happen!  I developed an extremely painful abscess in the canal of my left ear (something I’ve never had before) which cleared up with my Earache, inflammation & infection formula; then a strange abscess showed up on the palm of my left hand which cleared with my Abscess, boils & sepsis formula and then by the sixth week of continuing with the remedies, I started to notice that my right hand/wrist was beginning to function more normally – when I put it to the test I was flabbergasted to be able to write again with this hand!  There’s still a small amount of spasming but I feel confident that with more time, remedy and practice, my hand will be normal.

Here’s a sample of my left-handed and right-handed writing… 
click here

Imagine what this means for people who have developed issues after taking antibiotics or other suppressive medicines.  Consider problems such as clenching jaw, neck and shoulder spasms.  If this remedy has been able to help me, then it may prove extremely valuable in thousands of cases where children (with a history of having taken many antibiotics), have developed all sorts of behavioural, learning, movement and fine motor problems.  Although our own children have been protected from the antibiotic ambush, Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride tells us that babies inherit their mother’s bacteria and I have long noticed how our five children all have a constant need to click, stretch and crack their necks, backs, fingers and joints and I remember well how our youngest son Patrick used to run on his toes as a toddler – a disorder which Dr Campbell-McBride links directly to Clostridium neurotoxins!  I have therefore put the whole family on a course of my Antibacterial formula and Gut flora repair / probiotic formula.

Did you know:

Clostridium botulinum is used to prepare Botox.  “In January 2009, the Canadian government warned that Botox can have the adverse effect of spreading to other parts of the body, which could cause muscle weakness, swallowing difficulties, pneumonia, speech disorders and breathing problems”:

Wikipedia – Clostridium Botulinum:

Wikipedia – Botox:

May I also encourage you to see me for biofeedback treatment which allows me to get rid of harmful bacteria within the body using vibration (totally painless, rapid and extremely effective) as well as create specialised Vibrational Medicine formulas for you that are tailored to your particular health problems.

Click here for consultation info