Once you have booked a Consultation with Eugénie Rowson (Genie) …
This is what you can expect from your consultation:
Consultation fee with remedies (South Africa only) : R1050 (plus Courier charge)
R 1050 for 45 mins duration includes :
Comprehensive case history & analysis
Biofeedback testing & treatment
3 specialised remedies
If indicated, other remedies will be recommended and may be purchased from The Remedy Shoppe which is located on the premises for your convenience.
Note: We offer a cash discount of R100 off your consultation fee if paid in cash.
Consultation fee without remedies (SA) : R850
R 850 for 60 mins duration includes :
Comprehensive case history & analysis
Biofeedback testing & treatment
Consultation fee without remedies (Overseas) : R950
R 950 for 60 mins duration includes :
Comprehensive case history & analysis
Biofeedback testing & treatment
Late cancellation policy
Please note that any consultation cancelled within 24 hrs of the scheduled appointment will be subject to a late cancellation fee of the full amount.
After Hours : Additional Call Out fee R500 – by special arrangement only
Please note that we do not handle emergencies – Please refer such cases immediately to your nearest ER / Hospital.
Regrettably, no charges for a consultation or electromagnetic solutions may be claimed from any medical aid.
Simon –
H’s daughter SR was suffering terribly from flu like symptoms; cough, severe head pressure & fever, burning eyes, cramps in her feet, anxious, stressed fearful & panicky…also strugling to breathe with lung pain…..
On Wed 19th June Eugénie treated SR remotely and prescribed 3 specialised remedies…..after 2 days H gave Eugénie this feedback below…
“I cant believe how those remedies helped her this time – the turnaround was miraculous…she is at school today, it’s unbelievable, there’s nothing like Homeopathy and I just thank God for you and for the good work you are doing, he is really using you to bring healing & hope & light & health to so many people…thank you very much Genie”
H – Johannesburg 21 June 2024
Simon –
On Thursday J was suffering with a fever, cough, head & body ache, no energy and went home to bed. She booked a remote consultation for Friday morning with Eugenie. She received her remedies by 10am on Friday and on Sunday we received this feedback from her….
Just wanted to say a special thanks for your miracle remedies.
I can’t ever remember feeling so feverish and weak as I did on Thursday. I don’t remember
much of Friday or Saturday. I slept for hours & sprayed
the remedies OFTEN. Hour by hour I felt my body healing and getting stronger. Today I woke up feeling so much better.
J Johannesburg 6 Oct 2024
Simon –
It is terrifying and people are so conditioned to just do what the doctors tell them.
You are a gift from God and if only more people saw that.
It must be soooo hard for you. I can imagine how fickle people are with you 😢
I’m sending all the possible thank yous and gratitude to make up for their ignorance…
H – England 24 Oct 2024
Simon –
Oh, I’ve slept 8 hours straight through for 3 nights in a row, for the first time since peri menopause and my tinnitus is greatly reduced. Incredible really… but I am going out for dinner and wine tonight 😘😆😘. Have a wonderful weekend x
J – England 26 Oct 2024
Simon –
Things are going soooo much better! He’s like a new child…
N, living in Denmark, was struggling with behavioural difficulties of her son L who she adopted in Johannesburg – after a Remote consultation in Feb 24 Eugenie sent her a double set of remedies with a friend who was visiting. After a 2nd remote consultation on 8th April N reported that L was so much better….(see below feedback)
Feb 2024 – “In November my husband and I adopted a 2.5 year old boy from a children’s home in Johannesburg. L is very sweet and caring but has been struggling a lot with the adjustment – hence I have been struggling a lot! All from separation anxiety to intense tantrums, hitting, pulling hair, biting, scratching etc. He also complains about a sore tummy….
Would you be able to do a distance consult for us? I am a bit desperate, at the end of my tether and don’t know how to help him. Are you able to help?
May 2024 – “By the way, things are going soooooooo much better! He’s like a new child. I am soooo grateful ❤️🙏”
N – Copenhagen 29 May 2024
Simon –
Severe Alopecia Areata / hair loss treated successfully after 1 consultation & specialised remedies
8 year old girl was suffering from serious progressive Alopecia Areata (large area of hair loss) with no options from modern medicine other than suppressive meds with nasty side effects.
After an in-depth evaluation by Eugénie Rowson, she determined that the child’s thyroid was dysfunctional and being disordered by a popular device. Eugénie advised that she should stop using this immediately. This device is causing widespread harm to the health of so many people, including children.
After only 1 consultation and specialised remedies her hair grew back.
K – Johannesburg 7 Sept 21
Simon –
Diagnosed with a massive stroke, told he would never walk again. But he did! He is absolutely normal now.
Genie has been a huge part of my family’s health journey for the last 14 years; my daughter is 12 and has never needed a doctor; my son is 16 and hasn’t been to once since before he was 2.
I’ve had chronic, crippling mastitis cured in a couple of hours, purely using Genie’s remedies, and my daughter has had an ongoing rash cleared up in a day or 2, amongst other day to day ailments.
In November last year, my partner fell very ill due to a number of environmental and emotional toxins. He spiralled to such a point and he ended up being diagnosed as having had a stroke. I was told it was a massive stroke, he has a long journey to recovery and that he may never walk again.
He was in Helen Joseph (restrained) for 23 nights and virtually unreachable due to tight Covid protocols. I got very few answers from the doctors or nurses.
Genie was brilliant. She treated J (via a photograph) almost daily, spending an hour at a time working on fixing the paralysis and healing. Once he was able to swallow, we moved him to a Rehabilitation centre and he was up and walking the next day.
At the rehab, they decided he needed more meds… giving ritalin, antidepressants and sleeping tablets, on top of the cocktail he had from HJ, and despite my requests to keep drugs to a minimum.
Some of the allopathic meds he was on have side effects which are almost exactly the symptoms he was showing, but this was disregarded by the hospital, and the rehab centre.
He left the rehab after 11 days as he was physically strong enough already and would benefit more from being home where he can regain memory and rebuild the neural pathways with the people who love him.
2 days after he got home, he was virtually running everywhere, he had a bad dizzy spell and collapsed. I called the physician at HJ and told him that J was running around and fell, and he stopped me and made me repeat what I had said… he said it was a miracle that J was walking, and said his entire team of Neurologists had said he’d likely never walk again.
He had dizziness, confusion, brain fog, terrible itchiness, chronic memory loss to the extent he didn’t know what home was, hallucinations and terrible dreams and absolutely zero appetite. He lost 22kg.
We were able (with Genie’s help) to wean him off the medication he had been prescribed and after 3 months was off everything except for natural supplements and Genie’s remedies.
He is phsyically strong and does cross fit daily, he eats like a horse and has gained muscle. He is stable, free of any addiction (including smoking 50-60 per day), suffers from very little stress and anxiety and is almost completely independent. He sleeps well at night and has a nap in the day still but doesn’t have the chronic fatigue that so many stroke survivors experience.
We are both so grateful to Genie and Simon for the support they provided, and for getting us through this enormous challenge. J now sees her once every 2 months, just to make sure everything is still in balance.
I have no doubt that this story would have been a very different one, had it not been for The Remedy Shoppe
C – Johannesburg 16 July 2021
Simon –
My Pug Tyson has been seizure free ever since consulting with Eugénie
My pug Tyson began having seizures in 2015. They would leave him feeling dazed and out of sorts. I took him to see Eugenie who explained that the diet he was on full of GMO’s and glyphosate was contributing to his seizures. Upon her recommendations I changed his food to her organic dog food recipe and treated him with the remedies she made up for him, and I am happy to announce that Tyson has been seizure free ever since! I am ever grateful to Eugenie for her constant support, incredible knowledge and her compassion when dealing with health and healing 🙏❤
B – Johannesburg 12 March 21
Simon –
He slept through the night without coughing.
Concerned mother M contacted Eugénie about her son C….
“Gosh, I’ve never seen him like this before. He was listless the entire afternoon, and just wanted to sleep. No appetite. He played a bit in the bath, and is now sleeping. The coughing seems to have improved. So hoping for a good nights sleep, and that he feels much better in the morning
Thank you so much for your help!
After a consultation with Eugénie the next day she sent this feedback
“Hi Eugenie. I hope you are well today.
You really are a miracle worker!! Christian is so much better today! He slept through the night without coughing. Whilst he was miserable this morning, he is now his normal energetic self. Thank you so much!”
M – Johannesburg 4 March 21
Simon –
Thank you for taking the time today explaining to K about Homeopathy.
Your Kind, Gentle and Patient approach really put K at ease. (Never mind the knowledge that you gave her 😂). Being a race horse 🏇!!
We will see you in 2 weeks time.
Thank you once again.
C – Johannesburg – 23 Feb 21
Simon –
Hello Genie, I just wanted to tell you the HUGE difference E has felt since his last session with you! Thank you for helping him.
B – Johannesburg – Feb 21
Simon –
Thank you yesterday for the treatment & spray
Hi Genie, Sorry I never said Thank you yesterday for the treatment & spray -T didn’t even need panado last night!
J – Johannesburg – 29 Jan
Simon –
Ovarian cyst resolved completely after taking your remedies
Dear Genie, I just wanted to thank you for your help earlier in 2020. I had been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst that the doctors said would never clear up by itself, but after taking your remedies it has resolved completely after several months. The doctors were gobsmacked and I am so grateful for your help and dedication. I was advised just before lockdown that I would definitely need surgery, but now I am healthy and I have avoided that trauma.
L – Johannesburg Jan 21
Simon –
I can’t believe the remarkable progress that S has made…
S, a six year old girl had been struggling at school; distracted, hesitation, difficulty listening and following instructions, dreamy, spacy, and poor literacy. Educational Psychologist recommended she go to a remedial school.
Her Mother gave the following feedback after 3 consultations with Eugénie…
“Just a little update from S’s Speech & Language Therapist on her progress, which I thought I would share with you. It most certainly isn’t from just the “home program” and mostly your work and remedies Eugenie…so a HUGE Thank you to you ”
“I wanted to let you know that your work With S at home and the implementation of the home program has made the HUGEST impact! Truly! I can’t believe the remarkable progress that S has made. In this week’s session she was able to sound out and read three letter words – a few weeks ago that would never have been possible.
This week I started working on her ability to manipulate sounds in a word (e.g. Taking away the first sound and substituting it with something else) and it’s coming along nicely. Even that would have been too difficult a few weeks ago but she’s managing so well with it now. The hard work is most certainly paying off!
A Johannesburg 23 Nov 2020
Simon –
My catarrh has virtually gone
29 October – After many years of problems with Catarrh; blocked nose/sinuses and a temporary loss of smell, J booked a remote consultation with Eugénie for both both herself and her dog B who was suffering from a dry cough.
After changing their diets to organic foods and using the remedies recommended by Eugénie we received the following feeedback
My catarrh has virtually gone. I can breathe through both nostrils. now. Blossom mutch better. Still has the cough occasionally, usually when she gets up suddenly. Think I need to hoover. Got parts of hoover out and washed as I didn’t think it was picking up well enough. Butcher knows me now and put me meat aside every week. I mix mostly with organic potatoes and other veg plus free range eggs and organic whole milk and yoghurt for some variety for her. Thanks x
J – England 21 Nov 2020
Simon –
Kidney, Bladder & Urinary disorders.
Z, 55 year old Diabetic, complaining of Kidney, Bladder & Urinary disorders. After 1 consultation and 3 specialised remedies given to her – feedback received
Thank you so much for your kind heart and assistance. Please be so kind to and convey a message to Eugénie. I am feeling so much better. With lots of energy & a positive outlook regarding my health. Eugénie is awesome and portrays her positivity in blessing others with the same. Thank you so much, God bless. See you soon for my follow up appointment in 3 weeks.
Z – Johannesburg 14 Oct 20
Simon –
Wonderful results for his Matric…
Just to let you know Genie – J had wonderful results for his Matric at midnight last night…..huge thank yous
(After months of regular treatment for this Grade 12 boy, at private boarding school)
C – Johannesburg – 7 Jan 2020
Simon –
Chronic fatigue since appendix removed.
Just some feedback, I can’t believe the difference in C – since his treatment on Mon, and the Potassium/Magnesium citrate – he’s like a new child, he’s got energy, he’s got a smile on his face – he says he can’t believe the difference, he feels so different – it’s just amazing – thank you so much, I haven’t seen him like this for a long time.
J – Johannesburg 27 Feb 2020
Simon –
You treated him all the away through Matric- he’s been healthy ever since
Hi Genie, just wanted to let you know that B was absolutely over the moon last night when he got his results, beyond his wildest dreams! He got 6 A’s and was just so chuffed…you helped him so much, he fact that he was so healthy, and you treated him all the away through Matric – I just wanted to say a very big thanks for everything you’ve done for him, he’s been healthy ever since – its definitely the longest stretch that B’s ever been so healthy for, so just a huge big thanks for your kindness and help – just really appreciate it
J – Johannesburg 7 Jan 2020
Simon –
My ear infection is so much better…
Thank you so much, my ear infection is so much better; after my consultation with you, I used your remedies and I am so much better now – Thank you!
A – Johannesburg 26 Apr 20
Simon –
“Feel so much better today”
Thank you! Feel so much better today. And just so you know all my remedies arrived at 09:00 (next day courier delivery to Cape Town)! Amazing!
D Cape Town 23 June 2020
Simon –
The pain in my groin has all but vanished
Hello, this is T from Maputo. The pain in my groin has all but vanished . God Bless you.
T Maputo – Mon 20 2020
Simon –
“…the brilliant Homeopath you are…”
Hello Genie, just wanting to let you know that the remedies arrived in double quick time and they are having a hugely positive effect already! I am so grateful for every one of these miraculous remedies that you have created for me, for your extraordinary talents and the decades of tirelessly dedicated work you have put into becoming the brilliant homeopath you are. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I so look forward to my next appt with you the week after next. Much love.
K – Stellenbosch – 7 May 2020
Simon –
“You are a magician…”
After a Remote Treatment for Anger, Anxiety, depression during lockdown, feedback from this young Man’s mother ….
Hi, just to let you know that 2 hours after your treatment on G he cheered up 100% and was whistling by himself and cracking jokes with his siblings! You are a magician
C Johannesburg 17 June 2020
Simon –
My back pain is so much better…
J from Johannesburg was suffering from severe, deep back pain which started suddenly one evening – after 1 remote consultation and using the prescribed remedies her pain had improved significantly in 24 hours…
Hi Genie,
Thanks for the treatment yesterday, I am feeling so much better. Thanks!
Jenny Johannesburg 12 Jul 20
Simon –
This is the first time no asthma medication in probably 20 years!!!
This patient had been suffering with chronic Asthma for many years, using various inhalers and other medications. After 2 consultations with Eugenie and using her remedies he has improved dramatically…..
Hi Genie, just some quick feedback. I have been off all asthma medicine for a week now. So off avamys, ventolin and symbicord. And therefore also off daktarin. Felling good and coping with lungs. Conjunctivitis still bad but not serious. Thank you👏👏👏👍👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏. This is the first time no asthma medication in probably 20 years!!! Thank you again
S Johannesburg 17 Jul 20
Simon –
“You really changed my family’s life…we all live a better life because of you. Thank you”
Always- been growing my own veggies over lockdown. Kids haven’t been sick for years now! Last time they saw anyone was you. You really changed my family’s life…..thank you, you are a gift. Everyone should see you just for the info on an organic diet alone….I cannot believe how your advise and non invasive healing helped me to make better decisions.
We all live a better life because of you. Thank you
A Johannesburg 27 June