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No need to suffer through pregnancy

Vibrational medicine is ideal for women during pregnancy as it is a gentle yet highly effective system of medicine. Some pregnant women choose to live with the discomfort of minor complaints such as morning sickness or heartburn, rather than seek treatment because they are concerned about the side effects of conventional medicines with regard to their unborn child.

Vibrational medicine however, has no side effects because only an electromagnetic dose is used in their preparation. They work by stimulating the body’s own healing mehcanisms. By being as healthy as possible during pregnancy, you are giving your baby the ideal conditions in which to develop and thrive.

When choosing a remedy, consider the symptoms, keeping these points in mind:

1. Where is the pain?
2. What does it feel like?
3. What makes it better or worse?

Choose the remedy that best describes the symptoms. REMEMBER: There is no wrong remedy. You can only err by not trying and therefore not assisting the body to heal. Selecting the best remedy may take a little practice but you will get better at it.

Our remedies are affordable, safe and highly effective. A single remedy can be used over and over to treat a host of different ailments.

Below is a list of remedies that will help with various ailments during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartem period.

Backache and sciatica Mag Phos, Rhus Tox, Ruta Grav, Sepia Bladder infections Staphysagria, Cantharis, Apis Mel, Colocynthis
Constipation, bloatedness, flatulence Bryonia, Nux Vom, Lycopodium, Nat Mur, Sepia, Silica Cramps Mag Phos, Cuprum, Colocynthis
Faintness/dizziness Cocculus, Kali Phos Heartburn Lycopodium, Carbo Veg, Pulsatilla
Insomnia Coffea, Nux Vom, Cocculus, Sepia Morning sickness, nausea, vomiting Ipecac, Sepia, Nux Vom, Cocculus
Piles Aesculus, Aloe Soc, Collinsonia, Nux Vom Thrush Borax, Kali Mur
Varicose veins Pulsatilla, Nux Vom, Calc Fluor, Ars Alb (veins burn like fire), Hamamelis (hard, knotty, swollen veins) Water retention Apis Mel (face, hands, legs, feet, no thirst), Rhus Tox (restless, stiff, better for moving), Bryonia (constipation, swelling worse during day, goes down at night), Ars Alb (thirst)
Stretch marks Calc Fluor Weepiness Pulsatilla, Nux Vom, Sepia
Premature contractions Cimicifuga Overexertion Arnica
Shock Aconitum (Homeopathy’s Rescue Remedy) – also wonderful for a distressed baby Nervous apprehension before labour Aconitum
False labour pains Cimicifuga Overwhelming fear, anxiety before delivery Aconitum
Oversensitivity to light, sound, etc irritability, impatience chilly, fearful; unable to relax Chamomilla, Coffea, Nux Vom Intense, violent, spasmodic labour pains Nux Vom, Coffea,
Severe, prolonged labour, weak contractions Cimicifuga Slow labour, unproductive contractions Pulsatilla
Nervous apprehension before delivery, performance anxiety Gelsemium Fatigue during last stages of labour, muscular weakness Gelsemium
Easy recovery after delivery Arnica Bleeding and tearing Hamamelis, Hypericum
Recovery after a Caesar Arnica, Staphysagria, Hypericum Nausea from anaesthetic Phosphorous
For smooth and quick contraction of uterus, improved muscle control Arnica Faintness Arnica
Violent afterpains and cramping Nux Vom, Cuprum, Cimicifuga, Staphysagria (cutting pains) Torn perineum Hypericum
Sore, stiff muscles from long difficult delivery Rhus Tox Haemorrhage / bleeding Hamamelis, Ferrum Phos, Belladonna, Ipecac
Shaky, trembling legs Cuprum, Zincum Metallicum, Cimicifuga Depression, weepiness, feeling of gloom Ignatia, Cimicifuga, Aurum (suicidal feelings), Pulsatilla
Mom feels overwhelmed, overburdened, overworked Sepia, Nat Sulph (after difficult birth) Fatigue, sleeplessness, worry Arnica, Cocculus
Mastitis – tender hot breasts Belladonna (worse at 3pm), Bryonia (worse for motion), Silica (hard lumps in breasts) Cracked, sore nipples Belladonna, Bryonia, Graphites
Too much milk (copious flow) Belladonna Too little milk (as a result of fatigue, sleeplessness nights, anxiety) Causticum. Cocculus
Tender inflamed nipples Chamomilla (woman is irritable and impatient) Sore bruised nipples Arnica, Hamamelis
Weaning Pulsatilla Sore plugged milk duct Bryonia, Phytolacca
Pain in opposite breast during nursing Borax
Colic Mag Phos (distressed uncomfortable baby), Cuprum (cramping), Colocynthis,Pulsatilla (for colic worse in evening), Chamomilla (wants to be carried, one pale, one red cheek, non-stop crying),Colocynthis (when child curls up and bends knees to get relief from cramping) Diarrhoea Ars Alb
Distressed baby Aconitum Bruising Arnica
Windy / gassy baby Nux Vom Constipated, angry, irritable baby Nux Vom
Hiccoughs Pulsatilla Thrush Borax

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