Sleepless nights, wrestling to dress a toddler, rushing to fetch, carry, pack lunch, calm a fever, kiss a knee better, make appointments, meet teachers, wash the dishes, feed the dogs and in between all that somehow earn a living… no wonder women (and men) of today are tired and burnt out.
Here is a list of a few natural remedies that can help to ease the burden…
1. Rose – it’s no coincidence that the saying “stop and smell the roses” exists. The smell of roses has a direct effect on the body’s hormonal system to improve you mood. Scientists have even proven that the scent of roses makes your dreams more pleasant. For best results, dab a few drops of Rose essential oil on a handkerchief and stop and smell the Rose in times of stress.
2. Exercise – The benefits of exercise are enormous and though it may feel like you don’t even have the energy to leave the house, it is proven that exercise increases your heart rate, pumps blood faster, purges toxins and allows fresh new oxygen to enter the blood stream. These factors all dramatically improve the symptoms of stress and burnout. Always remember, however, that the benefits of exercising do not show overnight but the inevitable improvements will come over time. Moms reading this are probably shaking their heads as the thought of available time to exercise is slim to none. Just 20 minutes a day will make a difference. You may need the help and support of a spouse, grandparents or babysitters but it is possible, if you make it a priority. In the long run, exercise will give you more energy and happiness with your family, especially your kids.
3. Time out – again Moms may think this is impossible, but if you set a bedtime routine that young children have to be in bed by 7:30pm, this gives you at least 3 hours in the evening to read a book, write in a journal, catch up with friends or just “be”. We are often so busy preparing for the next day that we live in a continuous cycle of doing instead of just being. Weekends away from the kids are great but perhaps a bit unrealistic. If you find yourself needing time out, don’t feel guilty but try to make a plan to have a few hours to yourself.
4. Eugenie Rowson’s Vibrational Medicine – Eugenie Rowson’s Vibrational Medicine is made using the electromagnetic vibration of natural substances to encourage the body’s own healing mechanisms to bring about good health. A particularly beneficial remedy for stressed out women is Sepia. Originating from the Cuttlefish, Sepia helps with symptoms of burnout such as headaches, dizziness, tiredness, sleeplessness or wanting to sleep too much, irritability, low energy levels and a long list of many more. Read all about the incredible benefits of Sepia in Eugenie Rowson’s blog here.
The effects of burnout can be extreme and if you suffer from any symptoms of burnout or stress it is important to consult a professional for help and advice.
Eugenie Rowson’s highly regarded Vibrational Medicine offers an extensive range of unique mouth spray remedies which are safe for adults, children and pets. These are available online at The Remedy Shoppe or through their adjoined private practice and retail outlet The Remedy Shoppe, 24 Pipers Road, Douglasdale, Johannesburg. Call: +27 (0)76 410 8262.