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I truly believe she could cure absolutely anything

Myself and my family have visited Eugenie Rowson a number of times and never once been disappointed. One particular occation was for my little girl who is now 3 years old. We had been to the dentist and told she had a cavity behind a front tooth. 2 days later she had terrible pain and I realised she had an abscess. The dentist could only offer antibiotics. I decided against that route. The next day her tooth started moving out of its socket the abscess was getting so bad. And in a lot of pain. I took her to Eugenie for some scio and we were given a remedy to reduce the abscess. By the next morning the tooth had receded back into its socket. We continued the spray every hour for at least 6 hours of the day. The following day the pain was gone and the tooth was back in place. The dental work was then done and there was no sign at all of infection. This was only one visit. She has cured this same child of chronic ear infections, leaky gut and behavioural problems as well. She is my first port of call for any health problems in my family. I truly believe she could cure absolutely anything.
Emma Groves, 36 year old mother of two.