“Female Steenbok, 12 years ( usually only live till 8) had a baby a few years back.
Has an enlarged goitre and vet suggested iodine. It is so large it restricts her breathing and swollowing.
She eats fruit and veg cuttings dayly as well as her hay. She lives next to a birdcage but comes inside the house at night. There is 2 cats and a dog in the house.
Mom dad and 12 year old girl.
She follows the dad everywhere who also has issues with his goitre…..
Before this no other medical problems.”
“She is coughing”
Treated by Eugenie Rowson on 31 August
On 9th Sept – “… Bokkies growth on her throat is 2/3 down. Everyone very grateful and no more coughing!”
On 11th Sept – ” …Bokkie is completely back to normal and the growth is completely gone”