From tension and stress headaches to full-on migraines, cranial pain can be completely incapacitating, preventing the sufferer from doing anything more than lying down. Although there are many over-the-counter medications that promise instant relief, there are also several natural remedies that shouldn’t be overlooked.
11 Natural Remedies for Headaches
If you’re suffering from headaches, here are a few natural remedies to try out:
1. Water
One of the biggest causes of headaches is dehydration, in fact, chronic dehydration has been shown to result in ongoing headaches and migraines. Alongside the headache, dehydration can result in impaired concentration and increased irritability. The best way to tackle this is by rehydrating with water and remembering to drink water consistently throughout the day. Eating sufficient fruit and vegetables will also assist in keeping you well hydrated, while adding vital nutrients to your diet. Remember to avoid drinking liquids that have a dehydrating effect such as alcohol, caffeine and sugary drinks. One of the oldest natural remedies for headaches.
2. Magnesium
Headache sufferers often experience reduced levels of magnesium – particularly those suffering from diabetes, heart disease and alcoholism. Magnesium supplements have shown to reduce the frequency and severity of headaches by blocking the pain-transmitting chemicals in the brain.
Magnesium is also important for many other bodily functions such as nerve transmission and blood sugar control. Outside of supplements, magnesium is found in nuts, whole grains, broccoli and leafy greens. The one side effect of magnesium is diarrhoea, so it’s best to take it in small doses at first. One of the most common natural remedies for headaches.
3. Sleep
Too little, too much, or fitful sleep can result in headaches, as well as a number of other associated health issues. The ideal amount of sleep is between seven and nine hours per night. One study showed that people who got less than six hours of sleep a night suffered from headaches with increased frequency and severity. Try to get sufficient sleep and, if you haven’t, try rest to reduce the headache pain.
4. Eugenie Rowson’s Headache and Migraine Formula
This formula is an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies known to assist with and relieve most common types of headache and migraine, including pain in the neck, jaw and eye areas. Assists with severe migraine pain, which may include nausea, vomiting, severe light and sound sensitivity, with visual and sensory disturbances. The headache and migraine formula is available at The Remedy Shoppe and can be delivered to anywhere in South Africa.
5. Exercise
People with a lower level of physical activity have been proven to suffer from an increased risk of headaches than those who participate in at least 40 minutes of physical activity three times a week. Getting people to exercise can be a big ask, so it’s worth starting by merely increasing the number of steps you take throughout the day. Exercise will increase the body’s circulation, which assists in reducing the chances of a headache. Try aim for some regular, moderate exercise and build it up.
6. Lavender and peppermint oils
These two essential oils are easy to come by and very effective in reducing pain associated with headaches. Peppermint oils can be placed on the temples to reduce the symptoms associated with tension headaches. They generate a long-lasting cooling effect and stimulate blood flow to the forehead, soothing muscle contractions. Lavender oils can be placed on the upper lip and inhaled to reduce migraine pains. In addition to treating migraines, lavender oil is also used as a mood stabiliser and sedative.
7. Yoga
The frequency and intensity of headaches is significantly reduced by practicing yoga as it relieves stress, increases flexibility and improves overall quality of life. This has been shown in a number of investigations whereby individuals who underwent yoga therapy found a reduction in migraine frequency and intensity.
8. Ginger
Containing both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, ginger root is known to reduce chronic migraine symptoms. In addition to this, ginger is also able to reduce the nausea and vomiting so commonly associated with headaches. It can be taken in its natural form, in tea or even as a capsule if the taste is not favourable.
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9. Dim the lights
Light sensitivity is a common cause of migraines with some people suffering from headaches even by looking at a smartphone. It’s best to avoid unnatural lights (as found in office spaces) if possible, and if a headache is approaching, then resting in a dark room will usually reduce the onset.
10. Warm or cold compress
A great natural remedy for a headaches, is a hot or cold compress which can bring some form of relief. For migraines, a cold compress applied to the head or neck could constrict blood vessels, reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Whereas for a tension headache – where muscles are too tight – then a warm compress (heated towel or such) will relax the muscles and bring relief.
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11. Reflexology
This ancient Chinese traditional medicine of reflexology is a healing art whereby touching certain points on the feet is intended to encourage healing in other parts of the body. One ailment reflexology is believed to heal – through four pressure points – is headaches and migraine. The areas are between the big and second toe; top of the foot; outer edge of the foot; and tops of the big toes at the base of the toe.
The causes and types of headaches vary from person to person, with some experiencing mild headaches occasionally to those suffering constant migraines. Trying natural remedies is a great way to relieve the pain associated with headaches but it’s also important to identify the underlying causes which means consulting with a medical practitioner.
It’s important to remember that, before treating yourself with any natural remedies, you must consult with a health practitioner first. Elements such as dosage, times to administer and possible allergies must be factored into the treatment.
All Remedy Shoppe products are formulated by Biofeedback Therapist and Ethnomedicine Practitioner, Eugenie Rowson, who has years of experience in natural remedies and knowledge of their benefits. Rowson specialises in vibrational medicine and Remedy Shoppe exclusively supplies electromagnetically-made products used to stimulate healing. These natural products contain electromagnetic signatures of an original substance which act as a catalyst to stimulate healing responses. Online users are invited to book a confidential email or skype consultation with Rowson to discuss any ailments or concerns. As far as natural remedies go, vibrational medicines are easy to use, safe for pregnant women, children and pets and convenient.
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