T started on the homeopathy treatment at 4.00 pm. yesterday. He took the dosage every hour until bedtime. He feels better than he has for months and is looking better too. I’ve only ever used homeopathy on A, when she was a baby for persistent ear problems, which cleared and never came back. It definitely works and I will be using it going forward. Awaiting nutritional products from YL, to support T’s heart, liver & kidneys, which we used to great effect years ago for him. It’s only since he stopped, that his health deteriorated.
Damn prescriptive drugs are poison. They treat the symptom & not the underlying cause.
Thank you D, for introducing me to Eugenie. You are a blessing.
I’m actually feeling a sense of relief now. The whole drama has been exhausting. 🌷🌸🌷🌸
H – England 6 May 2021
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