Chronic Fatigue and Yuppie Flu

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Yuppie Flu manifest in a body that is at dis-ease. Was causes this? Diet, stress, toxins and more. View the video to find out what you can do to free yourself of these debilitating diseases.

Natural remedies to beat anxiety

Anxiety levels vary from person to person with some experiencing frequent anxiety which can sometimes lead to attacks. These can be extremely debilitating for an individual but there are a number of natural remedies to counteract this stress-related issue. It’s … Read More

Sick in the Holidays?

Our health and immune systems are often compromised at this time of year for various reasons such as dehydration, overindulgence, change of our normal sleep patterns, depression and loneliness, as well as exposure to other sick people around you.

Home Remedies for Tonsillitis

Tonsillitis is one of the most awful infections for young children and adults. Swallowing, eating and drinking is almost impossible and with it generally comes a massive fever, pain and inflammation. Any mom will know that with Tonsillitis around, a … Read More

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