Scars and keloids

I underwent neck surgery two years ago. Unfortunately I experienced complications and had to undergo a second surgery leaving me with a terrible scar that formed a keloid in my neck.

Rescue to my rescue

Currently in my 36th week of my 2nd pregnancy, I’m experiencing regular anxiety as a result of increasing pressure on my lungs as my belly grows.

Silica for thorns and splinters

I collected my 5-year-old daughter from school one afternoon, and she was hobbling along on one leg.  She had stepped on a thorn and it was embedded rather deep in her heel. 

Teething’s a breeze!

I have been using the teething troubles formula on my baby for the past three months and didn’t even know about the first tooth coming out.

Sincere thanks

I would just like to express my very sincere thanks – I received my gift pack – The Change of Season Trio yesterday and have already started with the cold and flu one for the boys as they both have … Read More

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