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Dentist couldn’t believe the difference…cyst virtually gone!!!

2017/04/01,  Hi Eugenie apologies for messaging you on a Sat. R (13) has a huge cyst in her lower right jaw that is compromising her second molar. Orthodontist has referred us as a matter of some urgency to a maxillofacial surgeon for possible surgery! Was wondering whether you could assist us “more naturally”? We see the surgeon on Mon morning for an assessment and treatment plan. Maybe we could see you after that? Kindest regards S

2017/04/01, Cyst is in bottom picture on left hand side. Huge “gap” between molar and rest of her teeth IMG-20170426-WA0002

2017/04/01, The Remedy Shoppe: Hello S…absolutely, I can help.

2017/04/26, Hi Eugenie it’s 3 weeks since R saw you for the cyst in her jaw pushing on her molar. We had a quick X-ray this morning; although the tooth is still impacted, the cyst has shrunk remarkably!!! Dentist couldn’t believe the difference!! Told her all about you!! Will send a pic or two to show you the difference. She’s heading in to surgery this afternoon to remove the tooth. Thank you so much for what you’ve done for her! My husband was amazed! Maybe now he’ll make an appointment to see you re his asthma and sinuses ?✊…..


2017/04/26, S G – Dental X-ray 2 months ago….large cyst pushing molar to the left

2017/04/26, S G – Orthodontic X-ray 3 weeks ago (bottom pic on the left) – cyst large and growing


2017/04/26, S G – Dental X-ray…..cyst virtually gone, just a little left over the actual molar on the left ?


2017/04/26, 14:41 – The Remedy Shoppe: Hello S.. wonderful news. Thank you for trusting in me and my remedies. ?Most health disorders, no matter how serious, can be corrected, if only people will give it a try! Thank you so much?