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Feeling much better today

Hello Genie. Hope you are well and the Covid madness continues
I am in Spain, Genie, can you help me please? In SA about 6 weeks ago we all got Covid. It was literally nothing but a normal cold for me – I had streaming eyes and nose, and for one day I had a dry cough…….the only thing that alerted me to having it is that I lost my sense of taste and smell for about 10 days.

I took your ‘cold and viral remedy‘ and some zinc and within about 5 days I had no other symptoms besides the taste thing. Since then I’ve had an occasional dry cough but it wasn’t bad. But now in the last 3 weeks it’s gotten worse and really bad in the last week. I feel like I have real difficulty breathing, and that is making me quite anxious, whenever I take in a breathe I have a coughing fit, very dry and irritating, it’s like a tickling irritating feeling in my throat. It also doesn’t help that we have to wear a mask everywhere here
i bought a whole bunch of your remedies for R to have. at Uni, but the ‘dry cough’ one I didn’t get – Please can you recommend something? I was thinking Spongia or Drosera?…..

My other symptoms besides dry cough and trouble breathing…I also feel quite weak and tired… definitely also been going through menopause at the moment. Have been taking your hot flush remedy and that has gotten much better… thanks

Thanks so much. Regards N.

4 Sept – Remote consultation with Eugenie; recommended

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