Feet swellings have come down, Breathlessness improved
Hi Genie. I just wanted to ask your advice regarding my Dad and whether he could perhaps come and see you. He recently had an Angiogram and another stent was put in to one of his veins, but still remained a bit short of breath and a week ago very short of breath with chest pain (angina of sorts). He then saw his cardiologist and had ECG etc. The cardiologist does not want him to go into Milpark for another Angiogram, unless absolutely urgent, because of COVID, so he’s treating him with medicine. He is feeling a bit better, but is still breathless if he exerts himself and very tired by the end of the day. Feel like we’re caught between a rock and a hard place, but wondered if he should have one of your treatments and see if anything else is causing the breathlessness? Thanks so much.
E Johannesburg 1 July 20
Hi Genie
Just reporting back.
Feet swellings have come down
Breathlessness improved.
Do I continue with what you have prescribed at same dosage ?
M Johannesburg 27 Jul 20
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