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Hand, foot & mouth disease

WHOOP WHOOP WOWEEE!! Started James and Jenna on Chicken pox and cold flu viral infection remedies last week tuesday, after hearing that they had been in contact with kids with Hand, foot + mouth disease( HFMD) and you suggested that I give my children your Chickenpox formula to assist with prevention because this formula contains many remedies that also heal HFMD.Jenna started symptoms on Friday – she had a very mild version, 3 days of symptoms only; James started yesterday – even milder version, this morning.  The school phoned (to say) James still has spots on the roof of his mouth. So have obviously had to fetch him. Despite the spots on the roof of his mouth though, it is still really mild, and obviously on its way out.

Oh, and the girls that James and Jenna picked it up from, were in isolation for 7 DAYS with much worse symptoms.

Thanks Genie.
June 2012