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Mole disappeared within 2 weeks!

About 10 years ago I noticed a large mole on my back. I noticed this mole because it was larger and more pronounced than the rest of the sun freckles that I have.  About 6 months ago after a few afternoons in the sun, it started to change. It started growing and getting thicker. My boyfriend and my chiropractor both noticed it about the same time and advised me very strongly to see a doctor about it because it did not look good.

I decided to try Thuja, at ‘first’, which Eugenie had given to me for some warts on my face, for a few weeks and if the mole had not improved I would have to see a doctor. I was nervous and know that we should not take moles for granted. Well joy of joys, the mole had disappeared within 2 weeks – that was 3 months ago.

Thank you, Genie.