Q: Hi, I would just like to express my absolute gratitude for the availability of your remedies. I had an unexplainable nausea for a couple of days and decided to take the Detox formula. Well, within the first day I felt so much better. I would just like to know for how long one should take the formula? I used it for 5 days and then stopped. Should I continue to use it? Thank you, Eileen
A: Dear Eileen. You can certainly continue to take the Detox formula. Besides the obvious benefit of removing harmful toxins and improving the overall function of your bodily systems, detoxifying your body also:
- Increases kidney, liver and gallbladder function
- Encourages better digestion and absorption
- Decreases bloating and stomach distension
- Improves blood sugar control
- Boosts metabolism & fat burning
- Improves skin quality
- Increases energy
- Improves immune function
- Increases ability to deal with stress
Best wishes, Genie