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No more shingles!

I have been struggling on and off, for many years with a re-occurring shingles-type of infection on my right hip.

The first one was about 20 years ago, then five years ago and gradually they started to appear more frequently…They were blistery, itchy circles about the size of a five rand coin and from first appearing, to being cleared up, was probably about a month.

I used to just treat with them with Calamine lotion to help with the itching until they started appearing monthly, and no sooner would one clear up and another would start…

I showed Eugenie a photograph of what they looked like and she gave me a specialised formula, which I have been taking now (1 spray a day) for three months and I am thrilled to say that I have been free of these horrible things since then. I am hoping that when my spray is used up, it will have healed the problem and I no longer need the spray. Thank you Eugenie – I am sooooo grateful!
