Constipation Formula
Helps to relieve constipation in babies, children and adults. Assists with painful or unsuccessful urging; dry, hard stools; painful stools. Straining during stool; unfinished sensation. For those who may go for days without an urge to move the bowels. Effective after long habit of taking laxatives. Also assists with pain and disorders relating to a prolapsed rectum, and compacted faeces associated with prolapse. Can be used with the Haemorrhoids formula where haemorrhoids and/or rectal fissures occur.

Consultation with T/Dr Eugénie Rowson
Book a professional & confidential Consultation with T/Dr Eugénie Rowson (Genie), reputable Health Practitioner with extensive professional and self-help experience; author of best selling title: There’s a remedy for that! and founder of The Remedy Shoppe.

Cough – combination of dry / wet / phlegmy / sticky formula
Assists with a combination of symptoms including dry mucus membranes, raspy cough, spasmodic cough that may induce vomiting: difficult, sticky tenacious mucus that is difficult to cough up, chest pains and congestion; tight wheezy cough with little expectoration. NOTE: A … Read More

Cough Formula – Dry
Helps to ease a spasmodic, painful, tight burning chest, where it is difficult to cough up phlegm. Chest feels tight and constricted, accompanied by an irritating dry cough. Cough may also be described as hard, raspy, wracking, hacking, tight or tickling.

Cough Formula – Wet, Phlegmy
Assists by producing an efficient rhythmic cough by relieving a phlegmy, rattling cough. Phlegm may rattle in the chest and be difficult to cough up. Respiratory tract may be overloaded with mucus, with a tendency to swallow or desire to spit out mucus after coughing. Phlegmy cough may also be described as loose, gagging, choking, noisy, explosive, tenacious or difficult to raise. NOTE: A cough is a healing mechanism which should never be suppressed, but rather encouraged and completed.

Crab Apple
Over-concentration on trivia/unimportant details. Despondency. Restores a sense of proportion. has a bee in a bonnet. fussy. House proud. Has trivial thoughts. Feels mentally and physically unclean. May have said or done something contrary to true nature. this is the cleansing remedy for mind and body. Will help the person to see things in the correct perspective and be acceptable again to oneself.

Creativity & Inspiration Formula
This formula is an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies known to assist with creative visualisation, ease writer’s block, give artistic inspiration, and promote the flow of new ideas.

Croup & Hoarseness Formula
Relieves a loud, dry, barking, cough in babies and children, loss of voice and hoarseness, which may be accompanied by a feeling of suffocation and panic.

Jolt the bottle on palm of hand before use. Adults, children & pets: 1 spray into the mouth.
Infants: 1 spray onto a plastic spoon and pour into the mouth. Half hourly on first day, thereafter 4 – 6 times a day. Reduce with improvement.
Ingredients: Electro-magnetically energised solution of 200c potency.
See label on bottle for remedy names. Safe for infants and pregnant mothers.
5% alcohol with purified water. Nothing artificial. Non-toxic. 30ml.
Keep away from heat, cellphone, electrical and battery operated appliances. Store in a cool, dry, dark place.

Cystitis & UTI Formula
For recurring cystitis, bladder and urinary tract infection, possibly including fever. Assists with burning, stinging, painful urination, which may be accompanied by radiating pains in the lower back, abdomen and down the legs.

Dairy Intolerance Formula
For dairy intolerance. This formula contains an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies known to improve tolerance and reduce hypersensitivity to dairy products, and to relieve the associated symptoms. Highly effective for both children and adults…

Dental & gum disorders formula
For all common dental or gum disorders, such as gingivitis (gum inflammation/ bleeding), periodontitis, tooth decay, loose teeth, infection and pain. Also assists with halitosis (bad breath)…

Depression Formula
Assists where there are feelings of melancholy, gloom, despondency and hopeless despair – for those who feel as though there is a cloud across their sun. Promotes a sense of emotional calm, enthusiasm and general emotional wellbeing. Heightens the sense of joy and interest in life.

Depression Formula 1M (High potency)
Assists where there are feelings of melancholy, gloom, despondency and hopeless despair – for those who feel as though there is a cloud across their sun. Promotes a sense of emotional calm, enthusiasm and general emotional wellbeing. Heightens the sense of joy and interest in life.