We recommend our Combination Formula:

Menstrual Disorders Formula
This formula helps to improve symptoms associated with menstrual disorders such as the absence of menstruation, excessively heavy or light bleeding, spotting, severe uterine or abdominal cramps and spasms, debilitating pain during menstruation, fibroids, endometriosis, as well as pain and disorders associated with a prolapsed uterus.
For a suggested single remedy that describes your symptoms choose from below – or go to our Combination formulas for an easy-to-choose option
Cimicifuga Racemosa – for sharp, piercing, electric-like, crampy pains that extend across the pelvis, from hip to hip, and down the front of the thighs that makes the sufferer bend double; ovarian and uterine pain; menstrual flow may be profuse; pain in the muscles of the back and neck; lower back pain; general muscular soreness or a feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities.
Colocynthis – for agonising, cutting or cramping pain in the abdomen, across the hips and down the legs that makes you bend double and feels better for pressure and warmth (hot water bottle or under the covers); symptoms are accompanied by an extremely angry or irritable mood.
Mag Phos – similar to Colocynthis with shooting, cramping, radiating pains that are less intense; symptoms are improved by bending double and warmth; accompanied by a general feeling of chilliness with abdominal bloating and general muscular weakness.
Nux Vom – helpful for irregular periods that come on too early and last too long. This remedy eases a hyper-sensitive emotional state of irritability and impatience; an intolerance of loud noises, odours or bright light; and even being touched! Light-headedness, dizziness and headache will also be relieved.
Pulsatilla – a great remedy for restoring order to the menstrual cycle where periods are either erratic and changeable, delayed or have ceased completely. Will ease tiredness, tearfulness and a highly unpredictable emotional state before and during menstruation. Suits the person with a mild and yielding temperament who dislikes heat in any form.
Sepia – for irregular periods that may be either late and light, or early and profuse with violent stitching pains in the vagina or uterus; a snappy, tearful, aggressive or irritable mood (especially with family members!); accompanied by headache, nausea (especially in the morning or when smelling food), a feeling of chilliness, aches and pain in the hips, lower back and thighs; a clutching pain or bearing-down sensation in the vagina and uterine area; prolapsed organs.
Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris – this remedy works miraculously by restoring a severe menstruation disorder that includes profuse or heavy, dark periods with expulsion of large, dark clots during the first few days. This may have progressed for many years resulting in an iron deficiency; general physical weakness and severe headaches. If you feel that you have barely recovered from one heavy period and the next one is upon you with a vengeance – this remedy may be your saving grace! Also known to assist with the reduction of uterine fibroids.

Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.
Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.
See label on bottle for remedy names.
Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.
Best before:
3 months after opening.

Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.
Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.
See label on bottle for remedy names.
Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.
Best before:
3 months after opening.

Mag Phos
Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.
Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.
See label on bottle for remedy names.
Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.
Best before:
3 months after opening.

Nux Vom
Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.
Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.
See label on bottle for remedy names.
Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.
Best before:
3 months after opening.

Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.
Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.
See label on bottle for remedy names.
Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.
Best before:
3 months after opening.

Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.
Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.
See label on bottle for remedy names.
Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.
Best before:
3 months after opening.

Thlaspi Bursa
Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.
Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.
See label on bottle for remedy names.
Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.
Best before:
3 months after opening.