Abdominal Cramps & Spasms Formula
This formula is an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies known to relieve stomach cramps and spasms, indigestion, agonising pain in the abdomen, and pains associated with digestive disorders.

Abscess, Boils & Sepsis Formula
For abscesses, boils, putrid ulcers and septic conditions occurring anywhere on the body, often accompanied by severe pain and infection. Promotes the rapid healing of tissue and helps to reduce scarring.

Acidity Formula
Helps to reduce excess acidity and acidic conditions within the body. Promotes pH balance within the body and assists with conditions associated with acidity such as joint pain, stiffness, rheumatism, fatigue, heartburn and reflux, food cravings and digestion disorders.

Acne, Pimples & Spots Formula
This formula contains an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies and flower essences known to treat chronic and acute skin conditions

Jolt bottle on palm before use.
Adults, children, infants & pets:
1 or 2 sprays in the mouth.
Half hourly on first day,
then 4 – 6 times a day.
Reduce with improvement.
Electro-magnetic solution of
200c potency. No physical origin.
5% alcohol & purified water.
Nothing artificial. Non-toxic.
Safe for pregnant women &
infants. 30ml. Made to order.
See label on bottle for remedy names.
Store in a cool, dark place.
Keep away from battery operated
& electrical appliances.
Best before:
3 months after opening.

ADD Formula
This formula contains an electromagnetic solution of vibrational remedies and flower essences known to improve symptoms associated with attention deficit disorder such as restlessness, shyness, poor concentration and dreaminess, dullness, disinterest in life, vagueness, forgetfulness, listlessness, indifference.

ADHD Formula
This formula assists with symptoms associated with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder such as excessive talking, aggression, impulsiveness, restlessness, distractibility, hyperactivity, a short attention span, concentration difficulty, precocious, impulsivity, capriciousness, weak self control, cannot stop themselves from interrupting…

Allergies & Hayfever Formula
Helps to relieve all symptoms associated with an allergy / allergies and hayfever, such as sneezing; puffy, scratchy or streaming eyes; blocked or runny nose; sore throat, headaches and tiredness, persistent and itchy skin rash. Helps to improve a person’s tolerance to allergens/irritants in the environment, especially during the change of season. By stimulating a person’s vital force and restoring balance, this formula encourages the body’s natural healing mechanisms and restores harmony to the body.

Anger, Rage & Irritability Formula
Use this formula to relieve feelings/emotions such as anger, rage, frustration, irritability, on edge, harassed & agitated, overworked, stressed, hurried, under pressure, annoyed, exasperated, intolerant, impatient, easily offended/touchy, grumpy, difficult to please, fault-finding, aggressive, road rage. Promotes a sense of peace, serenity and calm.
Can be used in conjunction with any other remedy.

Anger, rage & irritability formula 1M (High potency)
Use this formula to relieve feelings/emotions such as anger, rage, frustration, irritability, on edge, harassed & agitated, overworked, stressed, hurried, under pressure, annoyed, exasperated, intolerant, impatient, easily offended/touchy, grumpy, difficult to please, fault-finding, aggressive, road rage. Promotes a sense of peace, serenity and calm.
Can be used in conjunction with any other remedy.

Antibacterial Formula
This formula acts as a natural “antibiotic” which works by supporting and boosting the immune system to overcome harmful strains of bacteria

Anxiety, Worry & Fears Formula
This formula helps to relieve and overcome overwhelming and deeply ingrained feelings of anxiety and worry, unfounded fears, insecurity, fear of the unknown, nervousness and phobias. Promotes enthusiasm, a sense of fun, emotional calm and wellbeing, revitalisation and joyfulness.

Anxiety, Worry & Fears Formula 1M (High potency)
This formula helps to relieve and overcome overwhelming and deeply ingrained feelings of anxiety and worry, unfounded fears, insecurity, fear of the unknown, nervousness and phobias. Promotes enthusiasm, a sense of fun, emotional calm and wellbeing, revitalisation and joyfulness.

Asthma & Wheezy Cough Formula
Use this formula to relieve shortness of breath, breathing difficulties, laboured breathing, wheezing, spasmodic cough, where the chest feels tight & constricted.

Baby Trio +1 Pack
3 essential remedies for new mums, plus a free remedy…

BEE sting allergy formula & antidote1M (High potency)
Bee stings can produce different reactions, ranging from temporary pain and discomfort to a severe allergic reaction.
Most of the time, bee sting symptoms are minor and include, instant, sharp burning pain at the sting site, a red welt at the sting area and slight swelling around the sting area.
Can be used in conjunction with any other remedy.