Eugénie Rowson Consultation Structure & Fees
Remote / distance Consultation fee with remedies (South Africa only) : R1050 plus Courier charge
R 1050 for 45 mins duration includes :
Comprehensive case history & analysis
Biofeedback testing & treatment
3 specialised remedies
If indicated, other remedies will be recommended which can be purchased from The Remedy Shoppe.
Remote / distance Consultation fee without remedies : R850
R 850 for 60 mins duration includes :
Comprehensive case history & analysis
Biofeedback testing & treatment
Late cancellation policy: Please note that any consultation cancelled within 24 hrs of the scheduled appointment will be subject to a late cancellation fee of the full amount.
Please note that we do not handle emergencies – Please refer such cases immediately to your nearest ER / Hospital.
Regrettably, no charges for a consultation or Vibrational Medicine may be claimed from any medical aid.
Simon Rowson –
Diagnosed with a massive stroke, told he would never walk again. But he did! He is absolutely normal now.
Genie has been a huge part of my family’s health journey for the last 14 years; my daughter is 12 and has never needed a doctor; my son is 16 and hasn’t been to once since before he was 2.
I’ve had chronic, crippling mastitis cured in a couple of hours, purely using Genie’s remedies, and my daughter has had an ongoing rash cleared up in a day or 2, amongst other day to day ailments.
In November last year, my partner fell very ill due to a number of environmental and emotional toxins. He spiralled to such a point and he ended up being diagnosed as having had a stroke. I was told it was a massive stroke, he has a long journey to recovery and that he may never walk again.
He was in Helen Joseph (restrained) for 23 nights and virtually unreachable due to tight Covid protocols. I got very few answers from the doctors or nurses.
Genie was brilliant. She treated J (via a photograph) almost daily, spending an hour at a time working on fixing the paralysis and healing. Once he was able to swallow, we moved him to a Rehabilitation centre and he was up and walking the next day.
At the rehab, they decided he needed more meds… giving ritalin, antidepressants and sleeping tablets, on top of the cocktail he had from HJ, and despite my requests to keep drugs to a minimum.
Some of the allopathic meds he was on have side effects which are almost exactly the symptoms he was showing, but this was disregarded by the hospital, and the rehab centre.
He left the rehab after 11 days as he was physically strong enough already and would benefit more from being home where he can regain memory and rebuild the neural pathways with the people who love him.
2 days after he got home, he was virtually running everywhere, he had a bad dizzy spell and collapsed. I called the physician at HJ and told him that J was running around and fell, and he stopped me and made me repeat what I had said… he said it was a miracle that J was walking, and said his entire team of Neurologists had said he’d likely never walk again.
He had dizziness, confusion, brain fog, terrible itchiness, chronic memory loss to the extent he didn’t know what home was, hallucinations and terrible dreams and absolutely zero appetite. He lost 22kg.
We were able (with Genie’s help) to wean him off the medication he had been prescribed and after 3 months was off everything except for natural supplements and Genie’s remedies.
He is phsyically strong and does cross fit daily, he eats like a horse and has gained muscle. He is stable, free of any addiction (including smoking 50-60 per day), suffers from very little stress and anxiety and is almost completely independent. He sleeps well at night and has a nap in the day still but doesn’t have the chronic fatigue that so many stroke survivors experience.
We are both so grateful to Genie and Simon for the support they provided, and for getting us through this enormous challenge. J now sees her once every 2 months, just to make sure everything is still in balance.
I have no doubt that this story would have been a very different one, had it not been for The Remedy Shoppe
C – Johannesburg 16 July 2021
Gill Kabe –
My family and I have been going to Genie for the best part of 15 years and I swear by her. None of us have been on antibiotics during this time and enjoy a consistent state of wellness.
Recently my son tested positive for Covid and Genie treated him using a photo. I watched the whole consultation and was amazed that it was exactly as if he was there in person.
Genie has a deep knowledge and is a highly accomplished homeopath. I trust her and the advice she gives implicitly. There’s no guess work. She can tell you exactly what’s going on with your body and how to fix it.
I highly recommend her for both acute and chronic ailments and maintaining general wellness.
Simon –
My back pain is so much better….My back pain is so much better….
J from Johannesburg was suffering from severe, deep back pain which started suddenly one evening – after 1 remote consultation and using the prescribed remedies her pain had improved significantly in 24 hours…
Hi Genie,
Thanks for the treatment yesterday, I am feeling so much better. Thanks!
Jenny Johannesburg 12 Jul 20
Simon –
Someone who is kind and caring and important and I think you are one of those people…
Broken ankle healed
G (living in Spain) – “had an accident 6 weeks ago – thrown off her horse and broke both bones in my left leg at the ankle. I have a plate in in each side each with 4 screws. I have 15 stitches in the left side and 9 stitches on the right side. I’m due to go back to the hospital in 2 weeks time to have more x rays and hopefully have the plaster cast taken off and I assume they’ll give a boot or some form of support. I felt far worse after the operation than I did after the accident itself, huge amount of pain which lasted until a week ago when the pain vanished and i still have a tingling in my 3 toes”
30 July Remote consultation with Eugenie –
Recommended Injury recovery formula and Post Op / Surgery formula
31 Aug Remote consultation with Eugenie –
Thank you again Eugenie, your lovely words as well ….life’s a funny old thing isn’t it, we all have to battle along with the challenges life brings us, but sometimes those challenges bring into our lives someone who is kind and caring and important and I think you are one of those people, and I know that V values you and your knowledge hugely and has great respect for you, so I’m very grateful to V for bringing you and your help into my life, and I wish you all the very best and your understanding and love of Africa…very special, lots of love to you my dear…God Bless, goodbye.
G – Spain 31 Aug 20
Simon –
Cant believe how much better her shoulder is looking
27 Aug – Had a stroke and affected her left side. She is very unstable on her feet and keeps collapsing… Fell and bruised shoulder
Remote treatment – remedies sent
28 Aug – Remote treatment – Remedies sent including Grief, Shock & Trauma / Injury Recovery / Muscular sprains inflammation pain
31 Aug – Her shoulder is really sore but giving her your remedies, not sure if there is a break. Dr said that if there is a break there’s nothing they can do. Been taking your remedies and much brighter, more mobile but shoulder giving a lot of pain
1 Sept – Physically Mom feeling so much better. Shoulder this evening wasn’t too bad.
2 Sep – Can’t believe how much better her shoulder is looking
4 Sep – Shoulder much better
Remote treatment – no remedies
J- Johannesburg 4 Sept 20
Simon –
Cat’s eye infection/inflammation healed in two days
Louis the Cat is so happy now that his eye infection /inflammation healed so quickly, only using Eugenie’s Eye Infection & Conjunctivitis Formula which can be used for Adults, children, infants and Pets! Just spray onto a favourite snack or into water. No more suffering, no toxic medicines with nasty side effects. What a pleasure, thank you to the Remedy Shoppe!
James – Johannesburg 2 August 20
Simon –
This is the first time no asthma medication in probably 20 years!!!
This patient had been suffering with chronic Asthma for many years, using various inhalers and other medications. After 2 consultations with Eugenie and using her remedies he has improved dramatically…..
Hi Genie, just some quick feedback. I have been off all asthma medicine for a week now. So off avamys, ventolin and symbicord. And therefore also off daktarin. Felling good and coping with lungs. Conjunctivitis still bad but not serious. Thank you👏👏👏👍👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏. This is the first time no asthma medication in probably 20 years!!! Thank you again
S Johannesburg 17 Jul 20
Simon –
ADHD /Behavioural disorders/Language difficulties/ Autism spectrum…
After our last few consultations with you remotely (by distance; we live in Cape Town) regarding our 4 year old son’s difficulties, we are seeing some nice and steady progress.
We are noticing that he is actually getting more and more calmer; he is no longer really having some of those tantrums that we reported the first time, where he used to cry, showed obsessional behaviour. He has generally calmed down and we’ve noticed that now he can actually concentrate for longer; he sits in front of the TV and actually watches the cartoons and concentrates without fidgeting, or getting up and running around. This has been so encouraging for us as parents to see and we’re also noticing that he generally is more and more ” present “. However, we need to persevere with your treatment because he is still struggling quite a lot with with Confidence. Sometimes when I speak to him he responds but replies so softly that we have to prompt him to speak louder. He also takes a long time to respond when being called. We have also noticed that his language, his verbal communications is really improving and he is speaking in fuller sentences – he used to just pull us to draw attention to what he wants.
We still need to also focus treatment on another area of concern. When M comes back from school he gets into a kind of a short hyperactive frenzy when jumps up and down on the sofa and mumbles things to himself. We try to calm him down but this behaviour repeats often.
J – Cape Town 19 Oct 2020