After nearly 2 years of using Genie’s remedies, for my entire family, I can say with 100% conviction, that THESE REMEDIES WORK! Just before my son J turned 2, we were to and fro from the paediatrician with the usual toddler coughs, cold, snotty nose, throat infection etc, that just never seemed to clear up! Every time, we came home with yet ANOTHER prescription for MORE drugs, until eventually, this little boy was being poisoned with FIVE DRUGS EVERY DAY OF HIS LIFE!
(decongestants, antihistamines, cortisone based nasal drops, cortisone cough syrups, Asthma puffers etc). The doctors told me that he had ‘Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma” and would have to be on these drugs “long term” if he was to have a “healthy” life, and that there was no quick fix for this! I was devastated! But not knowing any better, we followed the doctors orders (because at that stage, we trusted that THEY always knew best!), and did this, for about 5 months! Every day of my life for those months I felt the guilt of giving this medicine to my otherwise healthy 2 year old, when in my heart I was so certain that this could not possibly be right!..
Eventually, I followed my gut, and we decided to go the route of Homeopathy! I asked around, and a friend recommended Genie to us. We weaned J off all the drugs, and started him immediately on Genies remedies. It took about 4 months of roller coaster while the toxins left his system, my little boy was sicker than I had ever seen him, on and off, fevers of 40 degrees, not eating for 5 – 7 days at a time, stress and tears from Mom, BUT eventually….. WE GOT IT RIGHT!! He has NEVER had any of that medication since, and he is a healthy happy strong child! In the process we also discovered through Genie’s consultations, that he was wheat and cows milk intolerant, (Why did the doctors not suggest testing for this??). Eliminating these foods made a huge difference too! Since then I have been using these remedies for my whole family, with great success! We have got through all sorts of dis-ease, (fluid on the ears, dry coughs, chesty coughs, snotty noses, teething and more… and we have even used them (and steam) to treat CROUP more than once in both my children.
We are eternally grateful and we feel SO liberated! Thanks Genie for ALL your support!