The common cold vs. flu

What makes us sick? Micro-organisms live in and around us all the time but do not harm us. However, any stressor, whether emotional, physical or mental, can create the ideal conditions for micro-organisms to flourish and then make us sick…

No pain, no gain, no healing! by Eugenie Rowson

So what is pain? Does it really exist? It can’t be scanned, scoped, measured in the blood, viewed under the microscope or projected on a big screen. It can’t be seen or touched! Mainstream medicine of course places so much … Read More

Is there a remedy for tonsillitis?

Why, naturally!   Choose the best remedy for your tonsillitis / sore throat, based on the symptoms below: Aconitum – best taken at the first sign of a red, dry, constricted, burning, stinging sore throat that starts suddenly, especially after exposure … Read More

Snoring/allergies in children

Question: I have a two-and-a-half-year old little boy. He snores a lot when he sleeps at night.  His nose seems congested.  It is slightly runny.  I went to an ENT Specialist a few weeks ago – and he suggested it might … Read More

Mother nature to the rescue

The symptoms of stress are caused by the hormone adrenaline which prepares the body for the flight and fight reaction – a certain amount of which is beneficial and assists us in ‘winning the race’. However, it may also bring on … Read More

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