Hit the ground running!

The big M is here and that’s not proving to be some sort of tasty bun and patty thing with loads of forbidden saucy stuff.  No! Not quite that attractive.  It’s the Menopause.  I’ll be 50 in a couple of months and … Read More

Does Vibrational Medicine really work?

”Clinical medicine works by suppression but not for healing.  Vibrational Medicine (which electromagnetic by nature) works by healing, but not suppression!”  Each system of medicine should be used in its rightful place. 

Save a lot of money and your health!

Over the past few months I’ve felt like I have been living in a thick syrup!  Life seems tougher than ever before.  Everything is a major mission and the numbers on the bank statement are getting bigger … and redder! … Read More

About our remedies

Each remedy in our range is produced under the strictest standards of proficiency and hygiene. Our remedies are made using a sophisticated process of exposing a highly purified water-and-alcohol solution to the specific electromagnetic frequency of a natural substance, resulting in a … Read More

What your doctor hasn’t told you about paracetamol

By Eugenie Rowson Parents run the risk of inducing serious side effects in their children when using Paracetamol (sold under an array of names such as Panado, Panado syrup, Calpol, Tylenol, Zydinol and Tempra). The number and intensity of side … Read More

Do you have a remedy for high cholesterol?

High cholesterol is a sign that the Liver needs support and cleansing.  We offer an excellent formula that will improve liver function and ultimately reduce bad cholesterol levels – Liver & Gallbladder disorders. 

Remedies for men

Men often lead stressful lives but are much less careful about looking after their health than women. Men are known to have fewer health checks and in my practice, I have noticed that many men tend to put off seeking … Read More

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