What do so many learning difficulties have in common?

What do so many learning difficulties and childhood psychological issues such as ADD/ADHD, OCD , autism, bipolar, hyperactivity, dyspraxia, depression, anxiety,  bed wetting have in common? To the desperate parents of so many thousands of children diagnosed with a learning … Read More

Is there a remedy for burning feet?

I remember that as a little girl, the tops of my feet would itch and burn in bed at night and the only way that I could get some sleep was to flick cold water on them or wet two … Read More

Natural Remedies for Anxiety

The beginning of the year is a stressful time for many people as families may go through many changes. Fortunately, there are many ways to relieve anxiety through natural remedies that can be easily sourced. Here are some of the … Read More

The common cold and flu

What makes us sick? Micro-organisms live in and around us all the time but do not harm us. However, any stressor, whether emotional, physical or mental, creates the ideal conditions for micro-organisms to flourish and then make us sick. Stressors … Read More

Slave to medical bills this winter?

In 2013 – a well known radio presenter told us that 62% of all cases of personal bankruptcy that occurred in the USA that year, were due to medical bills! Imagine the statistic in 2018 and our South African scenario … Read More

Suffering from bladder & urinary disorders?

Believe me – a bladder or urinary tract infection (cystitis or urethritis) is absolutely no joke! Burning and agonising urination, frequent and urgent calls to the toilet, blood in the urine, abdominal and lower back pains are a few of … Read More

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