Hi Genie
My friend Adelaide, the owner of Jessie (the puppy) is so grateful to you for your help. Jessie is 7 months old, when suddenly 3 weeks ago her tummy started swelling, so much so that she looked like a barrel and it seemed as if her tummy would burst it was so swollen.
They rushed her off to the vet, where they drained her abdomen and did all sorts of tests and scans and R6 000 later, special dog food and medication she returned home. A few days later her tummy started swelling again, they rushed back to the vet and after another R1 300, her tummy was drained again and the vet said that her liver was under-developed but there was a operation she could have that would cost R25 000 or the other alternative was perhaps the best, and that was to have her “put down”.
That same day, I came and got 2 of your remedies, the Worms & parasites formula and the Digestion disorders & IBS formula. After 3 days, Jessie was back to normal – it’s been a whole week and they now have their puppy back and cannot believe that they were going to actually put her down. “Thank you Genie”.
See the before and after photo’s – unbelievable!
Kind Regards
Erika Levine
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